Alllrighty then. As promised, Map overlay thread using newly minted Riot map! Im just doing this as I go, using some of the existing overlays that I already have in the files... so lets dive in and see what relationships and correlations we can find. Especially the surprises!
So, first overlay. Riot map vs 2016 Election result by county. Not a whole lot of surprises here, we know that its mostly D cities that are the issue, this just proves that its really ALL D cities that are the issue. lol
Next, Riots vs Sanctuary cities. Again, not a huge surprise here. Riots and Sanctuary cities seem to find themselves being all D controlled areas, so a lot of overlap is to be expected Id think.
Next, Riots vs Coronavirus. This CV Map is a couple months old, but should still provide the needed perspective. This one is tougher to see because of the black background of the CV map, so my apologies.
And here is the one I was afraid of. Riots vs Human trafficking hotspots. Um Houston? We have a problem. ALL of the riots are in trafficking hotspot cities. Couple that with as many pedophiles as were released due to COVID, and the fact that they have been found to be rioting...
A thread to help you with the pedo/Riot issue...
And naturally... because it lines up with the trafficking, the Riots also line up exactly with DUMBS.....
Another new map that I stumbled on, not the best quality, but still useful for illustrative purposes. Above ground MIL bases in relation to DUMBS....
Here is another one that might be important, Riots VS Poverty rates in the US by county. Down in the SE, there is some correlation, but in the rest of the country there is ZERO correlation between rioting and poverty
And just because I have it, riots vs earthquakes between 2.5 - 6.0 in the past 3 years.. kek.
Ok, if any of you have another map that you would like to use, please feel free to send it to me and I can get it done. Its important that it be configured with a FLAT top of the US like the first map. If it has a curved top I will not be able to get it to line up at all.
I can also show any correlation between the maps I used here that you might wish. So call it out, and at this point its a few clicks and I can have you overlay comparisons galore! Ill relink my original overlay map thread here at the end for those that didnt get to see the first
go around at it and the surprising conclusions from it.
And as always, thank you for reading. I REALLY appreciate it. Please make sure you RT this so that we get the information out, and I WILL FB all Patriots. I want to hear what you have to say!
A new one that I just found. Racial distribution from the 2010 census vs riots...
@LauraMorrisse18 asked about refugee resettlements and Riots. She went and got me the maps needed, and I put them together. First, the blended resettlement map.
Then with the Riot map. This is super subtle and hard to see, so look carefully, but the correlation is HUGE.... incredible actually. Great idea and thanks for digging that out @LauraMorrisse18
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