I used to think it couldn't but I did a little thinking and research and realized that it can. from my understanding (I stand to be corrected), Christianity or rather being a Christian means being like christ and following his dictates and tenets and not the dictates of his- https://twitter.com/dele_elson/status/1302618650348785665
-apostles perse. the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ can never be trumped by the actions and teachings of Paul or Peter or James or John or the likes.
i sincerely believe that Jesus was a feminist and I'd show how. in the book of Luke Chapter 10 from verse 38 - 42, when-
Mary made a choice to sit at the feet of Jesus and his disciples and listen to him teach rather than be in the kitchen cooking with Martha. martha came out and was "pissed" and asked jesus to tell Mary to come join her in the kitchen and jesus simply replied, summarily, that as-
she (Martha) had made her choice to work in the kitchen, so had Mary and as such Mary shouldn't and won't be denied on that choice. one of the strong foundations of feminism is "freewill"/"choice" and that women shouldn't be denied of that.
if jesus, the role model of the whole-
religion can go ahead not to deny a woman of her choice, I really don't see why Paul and Peter and the likes would go ahead to put restrictions on what women should and should not do. imo, Christianity, like I said, is about being Christ like and that can only be done by-
following the actions and words of JESUS CHRIST solely before anyone else.

once again, I stand to be corrected.
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