Raise your hand if you know the thing I’m trying fix today
I barely aimed the dust off at it and this came flying out. Sigh...kids today don’t understand how difficult we had it
Yesterday I fixed this one...which is from WAY before I was born (just for the record)...but I have to say, the quality of American made electronics before the 70‘s was amazing. I really need to look up how it came about that the US stopped making things...beyond the obvious...
Yes it took me this long and yes...this is the song that played when I turned it on...
I know this lighting is very crappy...but can you imagined how quickly I grabbed my phone when I realized what track was playing 😂
There’s a guy on you tube who restores them like this and I have to say...I kind of like it
I hate to admit this...but I still love the 80’s a lot. It was the best of bad taste and it was fabulous
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