There's so much pressure for the AGC and CAG to respond to the judgement concerning Indonesian domestic worker Parti Liyani (Yani). Not just from Yani and migrant labour activists but influencers, journalists, politicians, and lay people. We demand accountability.
DJ and influencer Jade Rasif summarised the Supreme Court judgement and says that Yani's initial conviction was digusting and that we should do more to protect workers. How did it take 4 years for justice to prevail?
PVP leader Lim Tean who usually derides immigrants for "taking Singaporean jobs" called this a "terrible miscarriage of justice". He demands that the AGC, Shanmugam, and Jteo explain how this could take place. He also calls for MPs to raise questions about the case in parliament.
Former Straits Times editor and indepenent journalist Bertha Henson asks if anyone has tried to get a response from the Liews, MOM, AGC, or the Police.
Public intellectual Donald Low thinks that this case could be a nightmare for the establishment if they are not careful.
Reform Party leader Kenneth Jeyaretnam calls for the sacking of Liew Mun Leong from Surbana and CAG. He is appointed as chairmen of both Temasek-linked companies.
Activist Andrew Loh asks if the AGC is going to take legal action against the Liews
Activist Kokila Annamalai asks for the investigation of the Liews for offences such as providing false evidence and offences against public justice. She refers to an older case where a foreign domestic worker was jailed for falsely accusing her employer of rape.
@home_migrantssg calls for systemic reform- right to fair trial, access to legal representation regardless of work pass or nationality of accused persons. HOME also asks that accused migrant workers be allowed to work while their cases are pending verdict.
The top few comments on Straits Times which gathered hundreds of likes had these asks :
1. Yani should be compensated for 4 years of work and trauma
2. The Liews be penalised for manipulating the judiciary to bully the weak
3. Liew shd step down as chairman
The environmental movement has also spoken up. @sgclimaterally demands that a just transition requires a criminal justice system where the most marginalised in our communities have access to legal representation, the right to free trial, and receive humane treatment.
Former deputy editor of Straits Times Alan John questioned if MOM will act. He also asked why the Sunday Times had not gotten a statement from the Liews after publishing a positive story about father Liew just last week. [Thanks to @ikanselarkuning for highlighting this.]
The AGC has announced that it is "studying whether to take futher action".
The police are "looking into" the observations Justice Chan raised about the investigations.
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) states that in October 2017 Yani reported to them that she was illegely deployed. MOM conducted an investigation (unsure when it started). It concluded in May 2018. MOM issued a caution to father Liew and an advisory to Karl Liew.
The judgement by Justice Chan has prompted MOM to consult with the AGC as to whether to take further action, if necessary.
Top comment on another ST article on Yani's acquittal. Lim asks that the district judge Olivia Low be held to account for her errors in the initial judgement. These errors include her overlooking many pieces of evidence.
The Changi Aiport Group facebook page is apparently filled with attacks agains the corporate group and chairman. (clarif: the comment does not appear harmful to cross-dressers. The use of "" suggests that the issue is Karl Liew's obvious lies). Source:
In just 1 day, team Yani manages to fully raise the amount she required to help rebuild her life. 4 years of her life. That's something the Liews, the justice system, and the Police took away from her. She will never get them back. Till now, not even an apology from the Liews.
This article outlines Yani's interactions with the Liews and the Law. If this doesn't invoke in you the need for reforming our justice system, I don't know what will. The Liews, the court, the police cost her to lose 4 years she will never get back.
Yani and the public are still waiting for the Liews' public apology and AGC's investigation to conclude. What do the ministers of law and manpower say about the way this was dealt with? Is the AGC going to hold district Judge Olivia Low to account? The Police?
Minister of law Shanmugam has chimed in. Shan commends Anil the lawyer, makes no comment on Yani or HOME, and the overarching issue of poor access to justice. He also attempts to depoliticise the issue by implying it's not a class issue but doesn't explain why it isn't.
Yani's been acquitted of the fifth charge!
A call for systemic reform by Red Lion Circle, Anil's law firm: “There are many more Parti Liyanis who languish in shelters and our prisons whose attention we, as a nation, should turn to.”
In today's episode of cognitive dissonance that only rich people don't have, Temasek speaks: "Temasek says CAG chairman Liew Mun Leong contributed much to S'pore , cautions against jumping to judgement over issues involving ex-maid"
"Mr Liew had declined to comment on the judgment when contacted by ST."
Public reactions to Temasek's statement. A mix of tasteful sarcasm and truth bombs including "His side of the story? That's all we heard up until now"
Commercial break: When we say David vs Goliath/workers vs the rich. This is what we mean. Look at the web Yani got tangled in. An independent labour union would be nice, no?
A poem dedicated to Yani by Bhing Navato, a domestic worker and volunteer. Bhing writes "shame" on "them". Their "crochet of lies tangled in flame". Who is "they"in this poem? That silence is itself deafening. And says everything that needs to be said about this system.
Exhibit A of silence:
Responding to Shan's warning not to "predjuge" a judgement, Anand Sellaya points out the contradiction. Their parting shot: "My question to u is how many have been unfairly prisoned, just bc they cdn't afford a lawyer? Isn't this a damnification of the justice system? Pray tell."
To Temasek on Liew's vast "contributions", Hrh Siva Kumar eloquently states "Changi Airport's success is the result of thousands of ground staff working with sincerity and dedictn. He alone didnt contribute to CAG's success".Heartening that 514 agree on the value of labour.
"Prior to his appointment as AG, AG Lucien Wong sat on the Board of Directors of CapitaLand Limited while Mr Liew was president and chief executive officer of the company." Note that civil society was raising this before this decision was made. Public pressure works.
Activist Andrew Loh calls for the roles of the AGC and the Public Prosecutor to be separated and to not be held by the same person.
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