1/ Count me among the coup skeptics.

I'm not saying that the Deep State and the shitlib extended universe wouldn't like to deep-six His Excellency, Dr. President Trump, only that I can't see any possible way for them to do that.
2/ If I were to put this in the traditional Underpants Gnome format:

1. Stir up some shit in the press and in the streets
2. ???
3. Trump in chains!
3/Honestly, how do they propose to pull this coup off?

On November 4th, when their attempt to steal the election through postal hijinks and ballot stuffing fails, because Trump and Barr have a plan to counter them, how are they going to run their coup?
4/ I know Michael Anton has a theory about how they’ll proceed, I just don’t buy that it has a chance of success.

I like Michael Anton but he’s wrong. https://americanmind.org/essays/the-coming-coup/
5/ I don’t buy Anton’s theory because, first, I recognize that our enemies are monumental fuck-ups.

These Wile E. Coyote dumbasses have had four years to prepare for 2020 and the best they could come up with was Joe Biden, Karmelo Harris and the flu.
6/ Using Biden as the front man for their plot tells me they don’t real control all that much, probably because they’re not that good at what they do.

If you’re banking on the competence of our elites to bring victory, you’re dumber than they are.
7/ Second, this plan relies on Trump being passive & when has that ever happened? They’re going to throw the nation into chaos & expect Trump to wait for things to unfold.

Chaos is his ecosystem and you’re telling me they’re going to do the Humpty Hump in Trump land? GTFO
8/ Third, like most things our shitty elites do, this scheme relies on words, words, words and more words. It’s a bamboozle, a giant okie-doke.

They think they’re going to talk a coup into being, conjure it up with words, because our elites think words are magic.
9/ But, you can’t talk a coup into existence. That’s not how they work. Someone has to bring the guns, and as far as I can tell, there’s no one on the left bringing guns. It’s like going to a picnic, laying out a blanket, and finding the basket is empty.
10/ You don't have to use the guns, but the guns have to be there, like Chekhov's, as an implicit threat.
11/ I would guess they’re relying on those retired generals, but American generals are political turds. They’re specifically selected to be timid. Boldness of action isn’t their thing.

When the SHTF, they’ll sit on the sidelines, clutching their pensions, wide-eyed with fear.
14/ Fifth, the big tech monopolists & the MSM will try to shut Trump out of communicating to his followers. Twitter will ban him as soon as the NYTimes screeches he’s illegitimate.
15/ They'll try to shut down Trump's ability to communicate, but, the internet was designed to route around attacks.

And every pickup truck in America has an AM radio and Rush Limbuaugh is on three hours a day. They can't shut Trump up.
16/ Sixth, unlike the left, Trump has real muscle behind his words. 40% of the population (the best 40%) stands ready to answer his call. Trump could have an unofficial militia, ten-million strong, in the streets in an hour.

Trump’s picnic basket is loaded.
17/ Seventh, ultimately, Trump is going to beat the elites for the same reason he beat them last time, they're pampered midwits who've never had a serious opponent.
18/ Our shitty elites have never had the shit hit the fan in any substantive way. All the violence they've orchestrated has been at arms-length, with other people's lives.

Which describes Anton’s coup theory to a T. Our elites talk and ordinary Americans suffer.
19/ They think they can do it that way again, but the answer is, the stakes are too high for arms-length to work, and if we know anything about our elites, it’s they're not willing to stake their own lives to win.

I'm betting that Trump and the people around him are.
20/ The left has explicitly raised the stakes for Trump and his family, by promising to prosecute him and his family as soon as he’s left office.

But, for whatever reason, they can’t see that, in doing so, they’ve also raised the stakes for themselves.
21/ I want to reiterate, our elites are so besotted with their ability to manipulate words that they’ve forgotten that blood beats words, every time.

And, because they’ve forgotten, they’re determined to fuck around and find out.
22/ So, cheer up, my dissident friends. Trump is going to win the election, bigly, on November 3rd. And the day after that, the Derp State will unbox its latest plot, delivered straight from the Acme factory.
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