Less than two months to go before Election Day, and my local paper (support local journalism, no joke, it’s important) has run a hit piece on me and my trashy mouth.

Y’all wanna see screenshots?
First, let me say that for all of you gentle possums who have raised your hands to volunteer, virtual phone banking is ready to go! Drop me a DM (even if you already did, I get a LOT), and we’ll get you started.

I love you. You’re amazing. This is going to be so much fun.
First of all, let’s look at what’s got these jimmies so rustled.

Neither my opponent nor I had a primary challenger, so the June primary was almost like a pre-season game, giving a snapshot of each candidate’s support and turnout.

The results were CLOSE. 751 votes close.
My opponent (MG for twitter brevity) is a 4x incumbent- who has been unopposed.

As his constituent, that bothered me. He wouldn’t return my calls about HB 481. I watched him talk over a woman concerned about her elderly mother’s nursing home care.

Unopposed, and unbothered.
I realized, if I don’t have good representation, and my neighbors don’t either, then maybe MG should have to earn his spot under the Dome.

Heck, arm wrassle me for it, I don’t care, but you don’t get to just make legislation because Nathan Deal picked you 4 terms ago.
So, here we are, two months out. I get a DM from the editor of the local paper asking about...

Well, not policy, much to my disappointment.

My pottymouth.
This was my response.

I’m sorry it’s so long and in the form of an image; for those who use text readers, I’ll be recording a dramatic reading.

(Nota bene: There is no cussing in this official statement to the media about my cussing.)
So Mr. Daniel, followed up and asked for clarification on a point.

He asked about “the p-word”.

(This is the part in the Greek tragedy where the masked chorus sings “BLESSSS HISSSS HEARRRRT”)
But there are a lot of words that start with p, including “politics” which is why I’m here.

So I asked him to be more specific.

Which p-word?
So he sends me a screenshot of my tweet from Jan 2019– way before I accidentally got twitter famous!

This is impressive investigative journalism, because he either scrolled through a year of possum content to find it, or searched “from:pinkrocktopus pussy”.

I bet it’s that.
Now, it’s important to note that in the screenshot (last tweet) I redacted the name of the other person, because they don’t care about this mess right here. I also deleted that tweet to prevent brigading.

I still say pussy, though. Here’s a classic: https://twitter.com/pinkrocktopus/status/1245850017031688193
I’d also like to note that the file data for the screenshot Ron Daniel sent me of my own tweet was dated five days before he asked me about it, which is five days of thinking about me typing pussy.

The Twitter analytics on that tweet prove nobody but him gave a solitary shit:
No sir. I will not take the bait on a word you can’t even type.

My response was that there are far more important things to discuss, like rural healthcare, maternal mortality in Georgia, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

But Ron wanted to talk about pussy. never heard back. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And this, theydies and gentlethems, is why I’m running.

Because men like Ron and Micah feel entitled to control the bodies of people with, yes, pussies and ovaries and wombs, but they find them too vulgar to discuss.

Because when I tried to talk issues, I was scolded publicly.
He wrote a hack bag, and now more people are talking about little ol’ me than Friday night football. In Georgia.

Anyway. I’m Angela Mayfield. I’m tired of tater tot legislators who care more about the health and welfare of Confederate statues, than Black mothers and babies.

My mother, @BrendaForCocoa, follows me here, so everything I say, I say in front of my Mama.

Underestimate me again.

Managing Editor Ron Daniel asked a preacher I don’t know what he thought.

Preacher says I’m a lost soul.

Here I read the whole print article out loud, and completely lose it at that point and laugh my big goofy donkey bray laugh.
I looked up Dr. Shock, the poli sci professor (assistant chair) who voiced concerns over my behavior and lack of politeness. I wanted to learn what the data indicates about differing perceptions of candidates.

I wanted to buy his books, but, he hasn’t written any.
Also, PLEASE do not brigade Dr. Shock. He has students who deserve his full attention, and he was almost certainly not aware of the context in which he’d be quoted.

The only beef I have with Dr. Shock is that I can’t find his syllabus online, so I can do the course reading.
You can follow @pinkrocktopus.
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