What gender was I assigned at birth? Haha well actually I appeared to my father in a burst of light during a dream so I'd rather think of myself as having been assigned a vibe
Oh, my assigned gender? I mean, "dragon" is right there on my birth certificate, what more do you need
Some people think of transitioning as movement in a single direction. I think of mine as a rubber band ball, or perhaps one of those clumps of grass left behind by a lawnmower
No one assigned me a gender, as I slept in my crib a wasp crawled into my bedroom window and whispered the ten thousand genders of the trees and the soil into my baby ears

And then I got stung by it because it's a wasp
My sexuality is gender and my gender is gay, c'mon, this is basic biology 101 stuff, every textbook covers it
Oh, am I AMAB or AFAB? That's what you're asking? Well you see, when I was little ... [the screeching roar of a passing motorboat as it travels through the river] ... and now I'm gay, that's my story
Okay I admit a doctor did assign me a gender when I was a kid, I took it from him and shoved it in my mouth and later hid it under a rock for safekeeping at my preschool BUT THEN I FORGOT WHERE
When I was 15 I was in a grassy field at the edge of a farm during Beltane, and I watched a mote of light fall from the sky and land among the grass. I caught it, and gave it my assigned gender in exchange for its loyalty
One time I climbed on top of my dad's apartment's roof with a friend and we lay against the AC units and watched the gender storms light up the sky. We captured gender in a bottle that night—incandescent, ephemeral, and quickly lost
I have an assigned gender the same way you have some spare batteries for the TV remote
When my friends and I were kicked out of our home, we had one last night where we sung and buried things that mattered to us in the dirt by the firepit. Locks of hairs, coffee mugs, creepy dolls, notebook pages, and—in my case—the gender I was assigned at birth.
During my baby shower, six elves came to my forest home and blessed me with a different gender each. The seventh elf (who wasn't invited) arrived in a storm, and cursed me with a seventh unwelcome gender, which is the one on my birth certificate
Am I transfeminine or transmasculine? Well I'm trans, and often feminine! I'm also trans and often masculine, but I guess if we're doing it this way I guess I'm really more transdelightful.
Okay okay, enough joking around. I'll tell you the gender I was assigned at birth, but it'll cost you—your memories, perhaps, or what about a few years of your life? I'm sure we can find something in your soul that you'll be willing to offer in exchange
The gender I was assigned at birth was stolen from me by a great carp-headed beast that lives deep in the Adirondacks, and only you, intrepid adventurer, can get it back for me!
Uhhh anyway no jokes now, I don't like to disclose my assigned gender and I can tell when people make assumptions about me based on whether they think I'm AMAB or AFAB, so like ... please don't assume anything
Some parts of this thread aren't a joke and are things that actually happened to me and you'll never know which ones 😈 https://twitter.com/RicDragon/status/1302288542836518915?s=19
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