As someone that has constantly battled the demons of anxiety, performance, stress, self-worth, and the like, achieving peace can sometimes seem impossible. As I approach 35, here are 25+ things I have found to help live a peaceful life.
I should also add, I do not always do these all perfectly, but when I do - man it works.
1. Get a full night's rest

This can be hard for those looking to achieve, perform, build, and grow. Sometimes its not possible. But remember when pushing hard, that it isn't sustainable, so set future time aside to recover from the sleepness push you might be in the middle of.
2. Stretch right after waking

I feel 1000% better when I stretch upon waking rather than grabbing a coffee or jumping in the shower. Whether is 2 minutes or a full yoga session, stretch right after getting out of bed.
3. Be Mindful

We dont all meditate, thats fine. But we can all be present for a min. Just sit, think about the day, what is good, what is working, what you'd like to accomplish, what you believe in. Listen to nature, watch a sunrise. Take a break from the day, to enjoy the day.
4. Read books of wisdom or religion

Whether a greek classic on philosophy, some letters from a stoic, the bible, or writings from a monk - reading something that has made it hundreds of years and still impacting lives today. Make it a regular practice to read things like this.
5. Be grateful

There levels to this. Each day, be purposeful about being grateful. Think about it, write about it, share it with others. Make it a part of your daily thought and conversation.
6. Move

Usually, when I am struggling the most, I can look at my last 2 weeks and see that my movement has severely declined because I have been focused on a work or learning goal. By forcing myself to move (albeit guiltily), I find I "catch back up" and end up happier too!
7. Eliminate or cut back on processed foods

If you dont see it in nature, don't eat it. There are different version and a billion scientific studies on those versions, I'll leave that to you. Bottom line: eat naturally.
8. Cut out caffeine

I've done this in spurts, never permanently (I prob never will, sipping an espresso is one of life's pleasures for me). But when working hard, learning a lot, or pushing myself - I usually cut back or temporarily remove caffeine. The results of amazing.
9. Cut out alcohol

This can be hard as its a natural networker and relaxer. If you are constantly battling anxiety, this might be your friend. Its actually your enemy. People that have a hard time being at peace with life and themselves need less artificial drugs like ☕️🍺
10. Increase Vegetable Intake

Related to 7, no matter if you are keto, vegan, paleo, or something else - increasing vegetable intake will improve your body's ability to carry out 1000s of natural functions needed for healthy and sustainable living.
11. Love what you have

This is so easy, yet difficult to get started. We see everything cool that everyone has. But we also have great things. We have people that make us smile, books that made us cry, memories that made us, us. We all have things to cherish... cherish them.
12. Pray

This one is controversial, but I am leaving it here anyway. Prayer is a reminder that there are things bigger than us. We are the center of our world, but by no means the center of THE world. Pray positions your mind in a way to remember this, and think from this.
13. Create / Lead / Participate in Communities

We are social creatures and need each other. Whether intro or extrovert, we still need each other. Getting involved in an online, local, global community around hobbies, exercise, industry, or learning can greatly increase your joy
14. Love

Love others in your life, love others online, love others who you don't know. This doesn't make you blind, gullible, or weak. It makes you human, and unlocks extraordinary power.
15. Empathy

Everyone is going through something. They might put on a great front, but... Remember people that believe different, dress different, talk different, act different - aren't different. They are human, they have a story, and they just want to be loved - same as you.
16. Get Out In Nature More

Nature has amazing power to reset, bring balance, and bring peace. Go for walk, hike a trail, climb a mountain, go camping - just get outside and look for the green and blue skies, water, trees and meadows!
17. Guard your mind

Whether you want to admit it, everything that enters, affects you. Careful what movies, books, news, music, and other media you let in. In my experience, this is the single largest trigger for my depression. Dark movies and music. Guard your mind.
18. Ignore the news

99% of the news is extremely unhealthy. It is opinion, not information, thus its noise. I have been blessed to travel and met others from many countries - we never cared our governments were fighting or enemies, we both loved our families, and our futures.
19. Laugh

Don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh at yourself, laugh at your mistakes, laugh at what is funny or ironic in life. Laugh with others, laugh at nature and funny signs, laugh with people you love.
20. Keep perspective on your life and problems

We're a small biological creature on a giant rock racing at the lightspeed around a huge ball of fire, in a massive galaxy of trillions of other stars & galaxies. Remember how small the things you allow to ruin your day actually are
21. Step out of your life for walks and thought

Life can be like being underwater, you need to come up for breath sometimes or you'll suffocate. Whether 30 seconds or 5 minutes - step away to go on walks, to think, to process, to just be, to just breathe.
22. Write

Sharing your thoughts help you form them, think through them, find others who think like you. You can build community and crystalize what you believe. Write in a journal, write on twitter, write on a blog... just start writing.
23. Pay attention to energy related to activities and bonds.

You'll notice doing some activities and people give you massive energy, and some drain you completely. Pay attention to these and cut/reduce the negative ones. These compounds daily and will result in massive changes.
24. Live below your means

Financial troubles trigger many other troubles and stresses. Where possible (we all hit hard times and have different experiences) live below your means. That extra thing you want is not worth the financial stress... ever
25. Truly Believe That EVERYONE can teach you something

Enter every conversation with humility and an eagerness to learn. Assume you aren't as good as you think, and the next thing you learn will change your life.
26. Solitude

While communities are important, so is solitude. We can fear solitude, and try to end it. But don't, embrace it. It will bring peace and relieve anxiety better than any pill.
27. Silence

The modern world has evolved much faster than our bodies have been able to cope with. The noise of today is not natural in its frequency, availability, and volume. Silence is scary at first, powerful when harnessed.
28. Generosity

You can’t give too much. I have always found my time, money, energy returned 10x. It also is another activity that focuses your mind on others rather than yourself. Give until it hurts... and then a little more. This has brought me amazing joy, and opportunities
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