Here it is folks.



⚠️ Highly Controversial Topic ⚠️

May cause some symptoms of existentialism.

This thread is not meant to convenience you of anything.

Just thought it was fun to put this together.

You believe there is a 'you' inside the brain.

Even as you read this, you've most likely concluded a

least subconsciously that there is still a 'you' in the ever-

changing feedback loop of consciousness.

We are a collection of atoms.

Configure them a certain way and something lights up

from the inside.

There is now something that tells what it's like to be


In the most fundamental sense we are having an


Our brain has a successful attempt at taking things

that is happening in the real world at different times and

syncing them so that our present moment experience of

the world is happening at the same time when really

those signals are coming in at different times.

Ex: Ball in hand

Light waves bounce off the ball and process

through your retina by the brain.

Your hand has a sensory experience from feeling the ball

and a slower process receiving signals through your

arm. Overall the experience happens all at the same time.

Truth is sight came more quickly than feeling the ball.

Any sound came more quickly than the sight.

These signals get woven together in a present moment

that gets delivered to your conscious experience.

Scientists theorize that consciousness is not simply

inside our brain but considered to be an emergent

phenomenon of the brain meaning it happens when

enough activity takes place in a way that can be

compared to how music emerges from a record player.

Music is on the record, but you will only find a circular

vinyl disk with peculiar grooves, it does not produce

music. Only when the mechanisms of the record player

are activated in a certain way that all activity produces an

emergent phenomenon called music.

Consciousness is somewhat similar, we can't physically

locate it at one point or in one area. If we zoom in on the

grey matter of our brain, we find as much evidence for

consciousness as we find tiny marbles inside a molecule,

which is none at all.

Yet when billions of neurons fire and communicate with

each other, the combination of the enormous amount of

activity creates a phenomenon that is consciousness

So where are we then in the brain?

If neuroscience can find parts of the brain that are

largely responsible for language, mathematics, specific

primal emotions, what does it say about the parts of the

brain that makes up the core of what we are?

Not only have scientists, despite their best efforts, not

been able to locate such a region of the brain. But all

evidence even points towards this core not existing.

It has become more and more clear that in this miniature

universe of the brain, roughly 100 billion neurons all act

by themselves and communicate with each other as if the

brain is an astoundingly complex vehicle with no driver.

End of Part 1 be continued.

Where are we?

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