A thread 🧵 about why I hate both extreme sides of this argument. I speak for myself, and myself alone on this and represent no one but myself, although other intersex people may share my sentiments we are unique in our standings and view points much like our bodies.
Starting off with GC:
My XY chromosomes do not make me a biological male, you argue the definition of woman and I fit it. Other intersex women don't fit it perfectly but we still have bodies that are developed for producing ova, still have mostly mullerian ducts.
No functional wolffian ducts, no penis, internal testicles that don't function like a male's testicles may be there, or even comparable to intersex men with internal testicles! Androgen processing isn't always there too as is the case with PAIS, CAIS women, leads to f development
It literally feels like you pull the Y chromosome out just to shut me up, like you know my condition is an exception to your argument. Why should it matter if someone like me, or other intersex females match the definition for female?! It isn't like endosex males ever can!
"Y chromosome" means jack crap in the face of intersex people. Yes we have a biological sex and I'm furious XX CAH women threw us under the bus to appease you. You want to talk about heavily virilized females, do an investigation on untreated severe forms of CAH then talk to me.
Some of these CAH women in fact end up with a very similar physical build to biological males. Yet you're more then happy not to force them into ridiculous treatment, or insist they're biological males! I've seen nothing but unrelenting disrespect towards girls who grow up...
with 5ARD, it makes me absolutely sick. Sure I was a bit ignorant myself on the subject but now I've learned that not all 5ARD end up as "guavedoces" There is a variant of 5ARD much like there's a variant regarding most other DSDs! You think my condition is the norm for Swyer?!
IT ISN'T! DSDs are very individualized and our treatment varies person to person. Some people are subject to IGM, and others can call those procedures as lifesaving or necessary. The treatment is different from person to person and although I hate boxes...
I am beyond fed up with some GCs claiming that 5ARD is biological male, PAIS is biological male, Swyer is biological male(Gee, thanks for erasing my life too?) You are literally no better then the TRAs who are abusing our bodies and narratives to claim we're some other sex.
Don't insist you know my condition better then I do either, I've talked with numerous doctors and have gotten multiple opinions on this. I am FED UP with people endosplaining that "well males don't have ovaries so get checked out" I've been examined by doctors, checked over and..
there's zero record of my right gonadal tissue being ovarian, testicular, ovo-testicular, or streak gonads. What there is record of, is of its removal and the health department handles this TERRIBLY. I actually hate doctors but due to only having one ovary and being FEMALE
I don't get a say in whether I want to visit them and discuss my body with them. It's mandatory, essential even. This doesn't even factor where my body was neglected a proper puberty due to suppression caused by lack of maturing parts. You can sod off with arm chair diagnosing.
Also by your chromosome argument? XX Males are female. Enjoy that one, because they naturally produce testosterone and are CLEARLY male. You really might want to rethink your argument and stop alienating intersex women because of gender ideology. We are not your enemy.
Ah yes, I'm the coveted XY female you -wish- you bring up. I have a for the most part functional female reproductive system while also having XY chromosomes. I'm one of the people you eagerly use to argue trans women are women. You hate that, you make it clear.
So you adopt the chromosome mindset yourself while also becoming manipulative. You compare me to you, you say we're the same when we're nothing alike. You cast me into a third category to argue my body isn't natural, but "that's valid." Take your validity and shove it...
Was manipulated for years by trans women when I first discovered I had XY chromosomes. Told that "cis women" wanting you out of F spaces, by extension wanted rid of me. I was a special kind of trans woman, yet I had nothing in common with you. I felt out of place in trans circles
You used my chromosomes and dated, underfunded studies to argue my condition is biologically male, therefore we're both biologically male. Except that doesn't fit because unlike you, I fit the biological definition of female and so do other intersex women. We are not bio males.
We also were oppressed as our sex, something you want to identify into for some god awful reason. Quite a lot of us don't find out we're intersex until we're teenagers, or as adults when something seems off and we're so used to abnormal that it becomes our "normal."
Intersex people still have a biological sex and yes there are intersex people who are trans but it doesn't change this fact. There are the rare circumstances where IGM forces a person into a wrong sex category and it's arguable whether these types are trans to begin with.
Many intersex conditions are also associated with health risks, that's why we receive treatment.

So if arguing we're not male doesn't work, you start to take it to another special level. You justify the very nonsense that led to IGM to begin with! "Sex is a spectrum."
You successfully other intersex people as a third sex, you're forcing us into a category we're trying to claw our way out of so society stops looking at genitalia and reproductive systems as canvases that need correcting.

You want to keep us there so we have to rely on you.
By arguing sex is a spectrum and using our conditions to argue that, you are promoting the killing of intersex babies because they aren't "normal." Probably not your intention but that's the truth of it all. You are single-handedly forcing society to recognize our conditions as
flawed, needing of being repaired. We are people, much like you are.

Yet you have no issue calling us the likes of the h-slur, spreading false information about us and our bodies. You've even convinced dictionaries to adopt literally that very definition for INTERSEX.
You tell people we have both male and female genitalia when no such intersex condition exists. You reinforce that awful Prader Scale. You affirm that old myth about our bodies.

You use us as a convenient tool for your argument when our conditions have NOTHING to do with you.
Some of you take it a step further.

You tell us to get over it, you call us bigots and transphobes for telling you to stop appropriating our conditions. You call us misinformed and insist we "get over it and we prove your point."

News flash: SEX IS BINARY, Intersex INCLUDED!
We break the typical rules of XX =Female, and XY= Male. These are accurate categorizations for people who are endosex.

There is a large variance in sexual characteristics, that is a spectrum. Sex itself is not. There is no 3rd gamete, there is no 3rd reproductive duct.
There isn't a single recorded case of an intersex person having a fused mullerian and wolffian duct, or having neither ducts. Being completely sexless... NONE OF THAT! So stop. It's frustrating and tiring!

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