BREAKING: I’ve just heard the ‘Ripper Museum’ on Cable Street, East London, established under the false premise it would be a women’s history museum, has gone bust.

This was a celebration of misogyny & murder.
I’m proud to have been part of the campaign against it.
From the start they mislead everyone involved. Even the architect was told it was a community women’s museum & the group ‘had no money’- so they did the work at discount in good faith.

In fact, the man behind the museum was ex-Google Head of Diversity (!) Mark Palmer-Edgcumbe.
They mislead him & the planning department, (who subsequently admitted they’d been lied to about the building’s use but declined to act)
They even lied about making donations to a women’s charity, Eaves, which helped victims of domestic violence.

How low can you go?
The museum was a tacky celebration of the Ripper as a cool ‘bad boy’, from the image on the hoarding (this is NOT how the psychopath looked- he was a scruffy man according to witnesses but that’s not ‘sexy’)to charging £15 to ‘take a selfie with a victim’ 🤮
Jemima Broadbridge, Bethan Lant, Kate Connelly, @K_IngalaSmith & @redrumlisa were among those protesting.

A pop up REAL Women’s Museum was set up at St George’s in the East.I designed the Matchwomen’s exhibit-which was also was put on a HUGE billboard facing the Ripper Museum😃
Full text of Matchwomen exhibit here for those interested 👇🏻
So while I’d be sad to see any kind of reputable museum close, I’m THRILLED to wave goodbye to this Disneyfication of women’s pain and suffering.

Glad to see the BACK of it!
Insolvency records:
There was an ‘interesting’ bunch of people involved in the Ripper Museum project, and in the early stages one of them was the ‘diversity guru’ of Labour’s Angela Eagle, who you may recall campaigned to be party leader
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