“read and search up news about the camps in china” *posts misinformation that’s fueling sinophobic and orientalist attitudes* https://twitter.com/kaiiprasads/status/1301646941105856513
and uighurs aren’t traditionally not allowed to drink alcohol they have their own winemaking culture
and uighurs aren’t the only muslim ethnic group in china if china really wanted to wipe out the muslims they would target the hui muslims who live in the same province
adrian zenz is the “expert” on what’s allegedly going on in xinjiang and is a right wing christian evangelical who’s also a n*zi why would they care about an alleged second holocaust going on in china https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1292893910973452289?s=21 https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1292893910973452289
and radio free asia is literally cia funded spewing cia propaganda and either radio free asia or adrian zenz is where most western news sources will cite as their source about everything https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000846953.pdf
so why is china creating camps for uighurs and not hui muslims? this video explains the terrorist attacks that have been going on in china. these are re education camps to de radicalize these extremists. *warning:graphic* https://twitter.com/carlzha/status/1204002899379908608?s=21 https://twitter.com/carlzha/status/1204002899379908608
you can question the ethics of “re education” but would you rather china do that to deal with terrorism or bombing them like the us does?
the us is funding an extremist group and then kiIIing them in the name of protecting american freedom. doesn’t that sound familiar?
and to explain what i mean by sinophobic and orientalist: i mean it fuels the narrative that chinese people in china are mindless drones and need western intervention when it was western intervention that destroyed china (see: opium wars and boxer revolution)
i know this is a medium article but i think it provides a good walkthrough and they link things throughout the article (the google doc at the end got banned, i linked the duplicate at the beginning of this thread) https://medium.com/@leohezhao/xinjiang-facts-vs-fiction-bdc2aa403c91
anyways that’s all i have for right now i’ll add onto this thread if i find anything if you are living in the imperial core it’s your job to challenge these attitudes towards countries the us/west brands as “enemies”
and in no way am i saying han chauvinism doesn’t exist that or uighurs dont face any oppression in china i’m just seeing a lot of misinformation and propaganda that’s meant to drive these western “leftists” against china
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