Thanks @gummibear737 for explaining "regional mystery & pre-existing immunity" pattern.

Maybe it explains why Melbourne (Vic) has seen more cases compared to other parts of Australia.

Comparing Victoria to Western Australia:
Population approx. VIC 2.5x WA.

I think Western Australia haven't had big problems handling Covid yet but Influenza 2019 looks severe.

2020 Influenza (purple) almost not noticeable, hence I assume sentinel report (next graph 👇) includes Covid.
This graph is about "ILI-like" illnesses.
There are almost zero confirmed Influenza cases for Western Australia in 2020.
This graph includes most likely Covid as well as other viruses (rhino and so).
Compared to 2019 not a big drama.
Now Victoria.
Looks like flu season 2017 was more severe than 2019.

"The number of notified cases of laboratory confirmed influenza is 91% lower than the number notified by the same time in 2019."
End of August 80% of all confirmed Covid cases throghout the country were reported in Victoria.

This proportion matches well with according hospitalisations.
Looking at the overall Australian hospitalisation it's still well balanced compared to previous years.
Is it because of "regional mystery" in terms of
pre-existing immunity?

"Picture in Picture"
While Victoria has 80% of Australia's Covid Cases it's still worth to compare Covid cases vs. ILI cases previous years (in terms of seasonality?).

commulative Covid cases today: 25.923

"Picture in Picture" again
@federicolois & @maestro_rayo
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