Intoxicated with Technology 

Intoxicated by our technology 
Some so smitten
They wish to merge it with their
Eyeing up parts of their Anatomy 
Being human is just 
Not enough for me
I swear I was born to be a God
I feel so restricted by my human form
Once I'm done
I'll stalk the earth like Magog
it's all perfectly natural
It's Darwinian progress see
It's not that I don't like being human
Or that I'm envious of machines
and what we can do with them
I just honestly think it's a good idea
To change my natural frequency
So I can become a Nietzschean superman
and live in a permanent delinquency
After all, what has the Human form done for me
I want to be like those superheroes they have on the big screens
Transhumanism is the future human you see
Some geek guy said that on a curved TV
But wait a minute what about our friends the Military
Oh those guys are just 50 steps ahead
Always have our best interests
At the forefront of their intent
They're slowly showing us what's behind their curtain
A twisted form of humanity they envisage
Of this, you can be certain
A cyborg soldier will never disobey
Retreat or show combat dismay
Have we really exhausted all of our potential and capabilities
Tapped every brain cell explored every possibility
Obviously, this thing will never get abused
As they've got a computer program
To make sure I don't get con"fused"
Oh it's so lucky they've thought of everything
The fourth industrial age is aimed at us
Inside and outside
This technological economic bubble
Will never go bust
As a human being can be
conditioned to want more
In this, you can trust.
Edward Bernays proved that without any fuss
Once we're told we can upgrade ourselves
Then I'll know we've turned paradise into hell
I'm suspicious as fuck about all of this
Technological implants ain't for me
I'll take my chances with my faults and flaws
As they're an intrinsic part of who I'm meant to be
Overcoming these things is the path to real personal growth
understanding what you are and are not
Is probably more important than both
Are we really standing at a possible 8/9
Cyborg future
If we are I might start shooting
I'll tell them I thought it was a giant malfunctioning toaster
But no doubt the judge will be a robot
Humans can't be trusted it seems
But I'm more worried about some of our ideas
Once that is they're allowed to roam free 9/9

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