❌New #LabourAntisemtism Thread❌

Esther Giles has become a candidate for the Treasurer role for @UKLabour NEC (Labour's ruling body)

Esther compares Israel/Jews to Nazis, believes Israel is interfering in everything & has previously been suspended by Labour 1/
Esther also seems to be a conspiracy theorist who believes that Israel, has "improper influence over the UK and thinks that Parliament should debate her conspiracy theory!

Esther interacts with the highly antisemitic "Gaza Boat Convoy" (Laura Stuart), to discuss their view that @IainMcNicol ( @UKLabour ex GS) was being influenced by Israel to suspend members from @UKLabour

BTW Laura Stuart was arrested on suspicion of terrorism by SU15 3/
Surely @UKLabour can find a more suitable candidate than Esther? One that actually believes Jews have the right to define the racism that we face?

No, not Esther, who believes that the IHRA definition of antisemitism shouldn't be adopted, because of the "Israel Lobby" 🙄 4/
Ester tokenises Holocaust survivors to prove her point that Jews should be allowed to be called Nazis.🤢

Let us make this clear comparing a Jew, or Israel to Nazis is one of the worst slurs you can say to a Jew, we say this as children and g/children of Holocaust survivors. 5/
Esther knows better than a Jew ( @lucianaberger) what antisemitism is, and believes that Pete Willsman's rant wasn't antisemitic.

Is everyone getting the picture now, Ester is a very unpleasant woman who thinks that she can tell minorities how to define racism. 6/
Esther has supported notorious antisemites Chris Williamson, Ken Livingstone and Jackie Walker.

Here Esther attempts to rewrite Jewish history. T

This is a disgusting comment. Almost 850,000 Jews were forcibly expelled from Arab countries, Ester is re-imagining history to suit her antisemitic views and hatred of Israel. 8/
Even more disgracefully on Jackie Walker's FB wall she labels Jews who complain about antisemitism "mentally ill" & "trolls", including one man who had swastikas drawn above his bed in a break in.

According to Esther this didn't happen!!! 9/
We're flabbergasted that @UKLabour is allowing Esther to stand as a candidate when her views are well known to us & many others

What are you doing @Keir_Starmer? We are trying to retire, but while you carry on promoting these people it looks increasingly less likely! End
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