The lack of understanding of statistics & ability to understand what “contributing” or “secondary” factors means is really disconcerting. Where are #Republicans & conservatives getting that the #CDC lied about the numbers? Do they really not get what these new reports show? (1)
There are still 180,000+ deaths attributed to #COVID. The updated data was additional info provided from death certificates. On those death certificates, 6% of them listed Covid ONLY as the cause of death. The other 94% of certificates had secondary issues aside from COVID (2).
This is common on death certificates. Look at old ancestry records. The new info said 94% of people who died from COVID had other issues such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. This does NOT mean they didn’t die of COVID. It merely means they had other issues. (3)
This isn’t surprising as the vast majority of Americans have some type of pre-existing condition & medical professionals have said COVID is far more dangerous for those people. However, people can have pre-existing conditions like hypertension & not die from those things. (4)
Those whose death certificates are being used in this new data died not because of these pre-existing conditions, but died prematurely because they had COVID. They most likely would NOT have died of their pre-existing conditions had they not had COVID. (5)
I have ITP (a bleeding disorder like hemophilia making me immunocompromised). My blood doesn’t have enough platelets to clot. My illness can be controlled (like diabetes or hypertension) & does NOT have to be fatal. (6)
If I were in a car accident & sustained a head injury, a brain bleed would be likely & the accident would probably be fatal. On my death certificate the cause of death would be listed as a car accident but ALSO listed as secondary or contributing cause would be ITP (7).
Similarly, COVID is listed as the cause of death on these certificates w/ other issues such as diabetes, hypertension etc., as a contributing/secondary cause. They didn’t die from those issues & w/out COVID they may have lived many more years but bc they had COVID, they died. (8)
What should be of concern is it was said COVID rarely kills those who are healthy. With this new data, it says COVID has killed 6% of people with no underlying conditions, which is far higher than what was initially thought. The virus can & has killed young, healthy people. (9)
Pre-existing conditions listed on a death certificate as a secondary or contributing issue doesn’t mean COVID didn’t kill them, it simply means doctors were correct in that it’s far more dangerous for those w/ pre-existing conditions, the vast majority of our population. (10)
Please don’t listen to those who are spreading misinformation & intentionality misinterpreting CDC data to mislead those who are willfully ignorant. They’re only doing so for selfish reasons & don’t care that they’re endangering the lives of others to get what they want. (11)
COVID has killed 180,000+ people, 94% w/ pre-existing conditions. Those alone would NOT be an immediate death sentence. The majority of those lost would still be w/ us today had they not contracted COVID. Don’t be selfish or lax in protection. People’s lives depend on it.
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