I remember being at work on election night, at 11 something pm, watching North Carolina turn red like it was the first mushroom cloud before the static.

None of this shit matters if you don’t vote so hard the electoral college buckles underneath you. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1301231432560521216
And real talk, most of the people who want to tell me voting is bad actually and the system needs to collapse before it gets better are not the first people who will be killed.
Just one of the fun things about turning off replies is that now people who want to call me a fucking moron have to repeat what I said to their 18 followers and I might win over four of them.
If things are bad enough to protest, things are bad enough to vote.
Cool that you took a podclass about which berries are poisonous and you’re ready for the collapse of civilization but some people need insulin.
Genuinely wish I had the privilege. https://twitter.com/WWWVillainess/status/1301241723574603776
Maybe next time.
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