So, the new QTH internet is not unlimited bandwidth like old QTH... Started looking at devices and bandwidth usage.

The biggest thing I thought about was @ring Cameras. One of the features is "snapshot Capture" where it takes a photo every 30 sec to 1 hour (configurable)

Neat feature but looks do some math on that 200kb image and monthly data usage.

Wired cams:
30 seconds: ~17GB/mo
1 minute: ~8.5GB/mo
3 minutes: ~2.8GB/mo

Battery cams:
3 minutes: ~2.8GB/mo
5 minutes: ~1.7GB/mo
14 minutes: ~600MB/mo
1 hour: ~140MB/mo

Well dang... and I have 6 cameras. At 1 image per minute, we are talking 51GB of data just for still images per month or roughly 5% of my monthly data cap.

Now, how about the video?

Via chat I was told:

"Data Usage: 1080p HD 30 MB per minute roughly. A more valid estimate would be the 2500kbps limit for 1080 streaming, which is .3125 MB/s, which gives us 9MB for a 30-sec video and that’s max. A typical video will be much smaller"

Hmm Ok.. let's say 9MB per video. You have a motion on your property on one camera and you have a link cam event to another so there is 18mb of data. Now let us say this happens 30 times a day that's 60 videos or 540MB.

And let's be honest unless you are really setting your settings to only monitor motion in a very small dedicated area you are going to get WAY more videos than this. Easy 1-2 GB per day of just video, when most of it is unneeded.

So with video and pictures, you could be looking at 3.7GB of traffic per day... and if your bandwidth cap is 1000GB per month 33GB per day... that is roughly 11% of your daily traffic limit per day.

100% time to start investing in @ubnt cameras and hosting/storing the video locally.

#TheCloudSucks #TheCloudisJustSomeoneElseComputer


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