ON Gov has failed providing #AllCauseMortality data that would give a true perspective on #COVID & our response. New information is coming in from other provinces, but ON Gov still refused to release the data. Why? #onpoli

I will be updating this thread with more on this.
After our failure in managing long-term care homes & preventing important diagnostic tests & medical procedures, we see they are also failing to provide important #AllCauseMortality data. Other provinces are open books. What is our Gov hiding? #onpoli

The OMA tells me that 5.6 million fewer diagnostic tests were performed because of our COVID response. How many deaths have come as a result of this? Missed X-rays, MRIs, Cancer screenings, Cardiograms. Is this why ON Gov will not release their #AllCauseMortality data? #onpoli
Despite ON Gov’s failure in providing #AllCauseMortality data, the Federal Gov is confident enough to admit our reaction to COVID caused more excess death. Why can’t we see the complete data to compare with COVID mortality? #onpoli
While ON Gov stalls providing #AllCauseMortality data, we can infer impact of COVID based on data we do have. While COVID has played a small role, I do fear deaths will be higher considering those who were blocked from their medical appointments. #onpoli

Most provinces are open, Fed Gov admits the pandemic is over, so why do we continue to spread fear, mandate masks, including for young children, and damage their future education with bad policy? If the facts are different in ON, where is the #AllCauseMortality data? #onpoli
Fed Gov’s report on excess mortality (EM), they admit across the country, EM was within expectation regardless of #COVID. If the pandemic is over & COVID played little role, why masks, why a lockdown, why no #AllCauseMortality data from ON Gov? #onpoli
The OMA has informed me that over 2 Million medical services were NOT performed each month during our #COVID response. 11.1 Million services were either canceled, postponed, or missed. Only with ON's #AllCauseMortality data can we know the fatal impact of our actions. #onpoli
Of the 11.1 Million medical services that were canceled, postponed, or missed, an estimated 140,000 were surgeries. Not accounting for deaths from missed procedures, it would take nearly 2 years to clear that backlog alone. What is the real cost of our #COVID response? #onpoli
This trend can be seen around the world, when mandatory masks are implemented. Cases were already on a decline, but now they are on a rise despite the claim masks were supposed to keep the trend downward. #onpoli #cdnpoli

What is it, masks don’t work or are they making it worse?
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