TW // Rape mentions, NSFW

The Witcher nudes scenes analysis, a thread:
There are some naked women just like in the books so if you still complain about them then you're an assholes and stop watching the show.
Renfri and Geralt sex scenes is not seen, quite the opposite, it's not a physical act but more like something "ethereal" where two people
- who understand each other decide to have and intimate moment.
The r*pe scene is not explicit and it focuses on Yennefer's face. Not her body, not the assaultors but the victim. 1
The episode starts with a woman of color ENJOYING sex. She is not a fetish, she is not having problems during the act due to her deformities. We finally got a woman of color with a disability enjoying and having normal sex.
There is also the Yennefer's transformation scene.-
The camera wasn't focused on Yen's body but her face. She wasn't make faces of pleasure but of pain. Again, we finally got a nude scene where violence on women isn't fetishized.
+ shout out to Anya who did an amazing job here
The orgy scene was already explained by the showrunner. It apparead in the books too so...
During the fight with the djinn Yen was half naked. Her breast was exposed but I've read of people claiming it was a sign: Yen is trying to find a way to have a baby so the breast may-
- represent maternity. Again, the pain that woman feels isn't fetishized.
The love scene between Yen and Geralt? Quick, funny, not focused on their body because they are fully covered. And again, the woman enjoys it too, not only the man.
I forgot: when Yennefer was threatening-
- Jaskier she was partially naked. Despite this Jaskier saw her as a threat and took her seriously. He wasn't watching her boobs, he was looking at the knife at his throat, at Yennefer's eyes.
Funny how in the flashback they are still covered and not sexualised at all.
We don't see Yennefer and Geralt naked but covered by sheets. They have just had sex but they are talking about their feelings, their dreams, their fears. 1
Not a nude scene but a group of men tried to r*pe Ciri. She is not naked, her shirt is not ripped, nothing of her is sexualised. Quite the opposite actually.
Some people could learn from this but I'm not talking about anyone in particular 👀
In conclusion: The Witcher is the only show I've ever seen where the nudes scenes are actually empowering and not offensive in any way. Violence on women is not fetishized, neither are their bodies. The women are respected and in control of their bodies. Their take their own-
-choices regarding them, they decide what they want and still they aren't seen as sexual toys. That's why we should have more women as producers that can understand the struggle of being a woman in a mysognistic society.
Just ignore my grammatic mistakes, I was in a hurry 😅
I forgot to say that in 1x05 there has also a bath scene. The camera wasn't on Anya's butt or boobs, it was showing two people that are attracted to each other. Their bunter is playful but also deep: they both share a rough past that made them prefer loneliness. Their facial-
- expressions say more than their words. They are the center of this scene.
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