Thread – Has the Armed Conflict Phase of the Civil War Started?

1. Here’s a staggering report from Bedford County, PA, as received from a pal.
2. <begin quote> BLM has brought their mayhem and “peaceful” protests to sleepy little Bedford County PA last night and tonight.
2A. Last night [25 Aug] 2200-2359, about ~30 self-proclaimed Nitty Family BLM protestors stopped in Shellsburg PA along RT-30 To march in protest over George Floyd’s death.
2B. They crossed onto property of a farmer who ordered them off and when they refused, he fired couple shotgun rounds over their heads. Wadding from buckshot hit one protestor who claimed injuries.
2C. Took him to local north county hospital where the BLM are protesting, and, more BLM showed up at the county seat. Another shooting just reported at a downtown Bedford hotel tonight (unconfirmed). Local and PA state police guarding the Bedford courthouse tonight.
2D. Local militia (III %ers) armed walking the streets in counter protest. More BLM arriving on buses reportedly. Fog of war starting. Locals in this my county are steeling themselves bracing for violence.
2E. They are prepared to fire back if fired upon at their homes, farms, businesses. Fun and games at home all within 15-30 minutes from my farm. I’m ready. <end of quote>
3. In addition to those incidents in Pennsylvania last week, there are increasing outrageous violent radical mobs surging across the country, especially in the Portland and Seattle areas, and more violence in Missouri, Washington DC, and New York.
4. In Kenosha, Wisconsin, armed property owners in a suburb brought out their guns and fired over the heads of demonstrators invading the peaceful suburb and threatening to burn their houses and "take away the White privilege."
5. Apparently, the BLM rioters were amazed and indignant that anybody might actually try to stop them, and even opt for lethal force to do so! (They WERE effectively stopped and turned tail.)
6. Business owners who were looted and arsoned in downtown Kenosha reported that the most violent rioters, arsonists, and looters were brought to the area in vans and SUVs with out-of-state license tags, including reportedly some from Oregon (Portland AntiFa/BLM?).
7. One of the owners said he listened to police radios and heard when the deployed police in downtown Kenosha requested guidance on how to proceed as the rioters passed through and around their cordon.
8. The reply from Headquarters reportedly was to "do nothing and let them pass, just watch them!"
9. Although Wisconsin's governor said he had mobilized some National Guards for Kenosha, the interviewed arson victims stated that they had seen absolutely zero Guardsmen in downtown Kenosha last night, the second of worsening rioting, looting, and arson.
10. This is now early September. Just wait till November, and the aftermath of the election! This is going to be some serious deep sh*t, and perhaps lots of people will get killed in a paroxysm of violence across the country.
11. It sure seems like the Left are gearing up to contest the coming Trump landslide. The big cities are a given, but the fact that BLM is coming out into the suburbs and even into rural Pennsylvania shows that their threats (and egos) have no limits.
12. Every single #Dementiacrat politician either is saying nothing about the riots and violence or actually actively encouraging/facilitating/coordinating them!
13. AOC, Pressley, Omar, Tlaib, Mad Max Waters, Schumer Pelosi, and the #Dementiacrat governors, mayors, city councils, and district attorneys of enclaves that have been under full #Dementiacrat control for 50 to 70 years, etc. Nothing from any of them!
14. Except maybe the polls have smoked them out and could be causing some of them to attempt to shift the blame for the violence to @realDonaldTrump. They are transparent, and we are NOT fooled!
15. The United States of America is now deep into uncharted territory – at least since 1865. This is sheer totalitarian communism and ugly, violent Black racism coming down the street, aided and abetted by globalists and foreign governments.
16. The Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and others must laughing be their asses off as we commit cultural suicide! How will it all end? The first line of defense is the voting booth on 3 November. The next line of defense is citizen action. Keep your powder dry. ///The end.
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