Thread time.

I wanna have a look at the violence taking place, why it is an insurrection, and why any Democrat who says any different is lying their ass off and complicit in an attempted takeover of America.

Buckle up. It’s time to do some compilin’
(1) Im not gonna spend much time at all and Antifa, or BLM’s origins or backing. Most of us know those answers.

This thread is strictly to compile evidence of a violent insurrection taking place and why it WILL lead to the Insurrection Act.
(4) Remember the Chinese Consulate that shutdown in Houston?? Yeeeeah. About that.

China. Is. A s s h o e. 
(7) Here are some fine peaceful protestors harassing the bejesus out of people JUST TRYING TO EAT.

Yes. This will absolutely get people on your side. Rubes.
(8) Just buildin’ some guillotines - as is tradition in any peaceful protest.
(10) Dont forget that Congressman Cobblepot denied Antifa even existed;
(11) Antifa randomly accosts man as a “Nazi”;
(12) BTW; Antifa’s website redirects to Biden’s website;
(13) Antifa digs pyro, as well (yet, Wheeler still wont condemn them ... puppet much?);
(14) Here they are literally celebrating the shooting death of a Trump supporter;
(15) More peaceful protesting courtesy of our fine friends at BLM and Antifa;
(16) Vernon Jones describes his interactions with Antifa;
(17) Jack Murphy details being doxxed by Antifa;
(18) “Death to America” being chanted here;
(19) This is the Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee encouraging more riots;
(20) Bill Barr on why Democrats wont condemn Antifa/BLM;
(21) Its ALWAYS “muh Russia” with these idiots;
(22) Kenosha is a wasteland - all because Kyle defended his life and took some terrorists down along the way;
(23) The Democrats are 100% instigating, enabling, and encouraging this;
(24) The CCP is absolutely playing a role in this;
(25) More “peace”;
(26) These optics look reeeeeeally bad, Maxine;
(27) Oopsie!;
(28) More rioting in DC;
(29) More BLM peace;
(30) This dealership even supported BLM!!!;
(31) Ann Dorn speaks on her husband’s senseless murder at the hands of BLM;
(32) Cannon Hinnant - a 5 year old murdered by a BLM member simply because he was white;
(34) Even Senators arent immune;
(35) Nor was Dan Bongino;
(36) What is an Insurrection? …
(37) Insurrection means “a violent uprising by a group or movement acting for the specific purpose of overthrowing the constituted government and seizing its powers.” 
(38) An Insurrection is when a group of people, supported by domestic and foreign entities seek to overthrow a nation, or it’s democracy.

We know who is behind Antifa, and BLM.

We know the CCP has numerous Governors in their back pocket.
(39) I think, at this point - it is clear that Inslee, Whitmer, Wolf, Cuomo and Dewine should be on the “friendly” list as well. And dont forget this;
(40) De Blasio, Lightfoot, Wheeler, Durkan - these are just a few Mayors allowing MAJOR US cities to crumble.

Literally ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS ASK FOR HELP! But they wont, why?

Because that Soros/ CCP paycheck is fatter than Precious, that’s why.
(41) We have all of the elements. What more do I need to show?? This thread is already at 41 tweets and I could EASILY make it 100 with various clips and links to Antifa and BLM violence.

This is an Insurrection. It is dissidence. We are being attacked from within, and afar.
(42) Our local governments have been infiltrated by various entities to ensure the fall of America.

This is no joke. It is time to wake up. It is time to stand up. It is time to shine light on the darkness.

[They] want America dead. If America falls, the world falls.
(43) America is the last bastion of Light in the free world with the ability to repel this level of darkness and evil.

And God as my witness - we will.

We didnt fall after The Civil War.

We didnt fall after WWI, or WWI.

We didnt fall when JFK was murdered ..
(44) we stumbled, but we didnt fall.

We didnt fall when 9/11 happened.

And we damn sure arent going to fall now.

The American Spirit is real. Our Freedom is leased, not given, and rent is due EVERY DAMN DAY.
(45) United we stand. Together we fight. This isnt over by a long shot, and theyre about to witness the strength of a united America they have never seen.

We’re under attack. Trust @realDonaldTrump. Trust your faith.

God wins. Always.

Now enjoy the show.

God Bless America!
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