Hmm..nak beli Yello OTMS ke nak beli Jelita.KL RCM ek? 🤔

Nak senang, beli dua-dua! 😜 Tapi kalau nak pilih satu, meh I buat comparison supaya senang korang nak pilih! 👇🏼 #sgmskintalks

💛 Yello OTMS

▪️Mask & scrub
▪️Powder type
▪️Contains oatmeal, turmeric, epsom salt, coconut, and rice

❤️ Jelita.KL RCM

▪️Clay mask
▪️Powder type
▪️Contains Kaolin clay, rose powder, glutathione

💛 Yello OTMS

▪️Kurangkan inflammation, redness & irritation
▪️Fights acne
▪️Mencerahkan kulit (fungsi turmeric)
▪️Mengurangkan dark spots
▪️Soaks up excess sebum/oil
▪️Membuang sel kulit mati (bila guna as scrub)
❤️ Jelita.KL RCM

▪️Membersihkan pori
▪️Reduce pores appearance
▪️Mencerahkan kulit dan parut (fungsi glutathione
▪️Soothing and calming
▪️Mencegah acne
▪️Absorb sebum berlebihan
Kedua-dua mask ni sangat versatile. Korang boleh mix mask dengan air OR your favourite hydrating toner, brightening toner, essence, aloe vera, honey, dan macam-macam lagi!

💛 Yello OTMS
Grainy, sand-like texture. Bila sentuh atau apply, akan nampak & rasa coconut, rice bits, and epsom salt tu.

BUT it is still gentle and suitable as facial scrub! Tapi ingat, you guna any scrub pun please don't put too much pressure on your skin okay!
❤️ Jelita.KL RCM
Fine powder, talc-like texture. Yes macam bedak tabur tu lebih kurang. Warna light indigo, turns into a bright purple bila basah (bila dah mix dengan liquid).

SUPER smooth and spreads easily on you face! Lagi smooth dari RCM old version tau.

BOTH masks are fragrance-free tapi ada bau natural yang datang dari ingredients dia. 👇🏼
💛 Yello OTMS
Has the turmeric scent, but you can smell the oatmeal too sometimes. Bau turmeric kuat tapi it doesn't linger. Kinda therapeutic imo!

❤️ Jelita.KL RCM
Rose-scented, comes from the rose powder. Bau RCM baru ni lebih calming dan takde "sour scent" macam old version.
So nak pilih yang mana ni?

💛 Yello OTMS lebih fokus kepada acne-prone skin. Mask ni kaya dengan anti-microbial properties that fights acne!

💛 OTMS juga soothing, with the presence of oatmeal. Oatmeal ada soothing properties yang sangat baik, walaupun untuk sensitive skin.
💛 OTMS is a gentle physical exfoliator! So kalau korang tak berani guna chemical exfoliator, this is a good choice! ✨

💛 Ia ada turmeric which helps in brightening and fade away scars.
💛 It MAY also work on eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

💛 OTMS bantu menyerap lebihan sebum atau minyak pada wajah.
❤️ Jelita.KL RCM ni clay mask, so it works great on clearing clogged pores! Memang power dalam membersihkan pori.

❤️ RCM NEW VERSION ada tambahan glutathione. Glutathione bantu mencerahkan overall skin complexion dan parut! So kulit akan lebih glowy. ✨
❤️ RCM is also soothing since it has rose powder in it. For extra soothing effect, boleh mix dengan your favourite soothing toner! 💕

❤️ It helps in regulating your sebum production sebab it contains kaolin clay. Hence, ia bantu kurangkan minyak pada kulit dan cegah acne.
❤️ RCM helps in tightening pores, dan juga minimize blackheads and whiteheads so result dia kulit akan nampak lebih halus.

❤️ RCM can also give you an instant brightening effect! ✨

Korang pernah dengar multi-masking?

Yes, guna both masks at the same time!

Area dahi, hidung, dagu - oily
Area pipi - ada acne.

So korang boleh apply RCM kat dahi, hidung, dan dagu, then OTMS on your cheeks!
Lagi bagus and dapat multiple benefits sekali pakai!

I ada both and suka pakai dua-dua. Sometimes alternately, sometimes multi-masking! ♥️
Kalau korang nak dapatkan, boleh click sini okay!

💛 Yello OTMS

❤️ Jelita.KL RCM

Thank you for readinggg! 💞
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