In Germany there is a huge Corona Resistance Movement. A lot of the people don't get it that it's a false flag/controlled opposition. Everything is full of masonic and satanic symbolism. I will have to do a bigger thread I guess.

These are the leaders. They laugh at our faces.
The one in the right pic is Michael Ballweg, he's the front man. Baalweg is an interesting name btw.

He is the founder of Media Access.A few examples, what they do: For example a tracking app, that uses GPS data to track your children.

Or maybe protesters? It gets even better.
Media Access' youtube channel is full of symbolism. Look at Robot Recruiting. Let's say the handsign is a coincidence.

One eye symbolism. Hand sign. He also talks about a person that wants to bring his snake to work.

Robot recruiting is recruiting bot. A selection bot.
Here is a video. Fittingly he is wearing a black hat. It's so obvious, they make fun about illuminati symbolism. Saying it's weird conspiracy theory.

Laughing about MK Ultra and flashing the 666. Talking about the bible and god, showing the 666.
These guys are the organizers of the big protest in Berlin last weekend. It was called Festival für Frieden und Freiheit, 666 again.

So, we saw them laughing at MK Ultra. At the protest a child was holding a speech. Look at her eyes, saw this in "MK Ultra glitches" videos.
This picture is from a protest in another german city. We saw the 666 in the name. Now we have this stage, looks like Baphomet to me. Remember the name Ballweg, Baalweg, the way to Baal. Tracking App, Selection Bot, get it?
The more I look at this controlled opposition stuff and reading about MK Ultra, I start to think it's possible all these people are not even aware that they are hijacked by MK Ultra projects. Multiple personalities play an important role in this. So to be continued, I guess...
This rabbit hole is way too deep and this thread would become confusing going deeper. I will just add some more details about #Querdenken and do another thread.

Here we have M.Ballweg showing the horns. His event manager with a pyramid tattoo. Police showing numbers 13 and 23.
Let's look at Ballweg's past. Not only is he working on GPS tracking and AI selection tools.. He also was president of a freemason organisation in 2005. Round Table 23, RT23. Here we have the 23 again. Patron is UK Prince Phillip.🤡

RT Germany logo showing black/white symbolism.
So, back to the girl we saw on stage before. Thx for this video! To me it is 100% clear, this is some neurological MK Ultra related stuff. Saw lots of videos with MSM reporters and Hollywood celebreties like that.

Search MK Ultra Glitches on youtube! 👀
She is on stage with her father Ralf Ludwig, who is talking to the people. He is a lawyer, look what we find out.

"Association for the allocation of daycare places" &

"because he had very good personal contacts with antifa"

Children and Antifa. Sounds familiar?
Here is the mother M.Rost (K) with a snake on her leg - interesting symbolism. R.Ludwig is also in this pic (T).

We have a girl with neurological disorder, very similar to MK Ultra victims.

We have Antifa.

And we have business relations to kindergarden.

You get it, do you?
So I think this should be enough to show you what #Querdenken is about. I'm sorry for some mistakes, maybe it's a little confusing too . There is much more, I could add, but I made my point.

Think for yourself and beware of the luciferian light. Demons are real. Spells are real.
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