*A MOMENT OF REFLECTION* about the nonsense callled Sussexes...

The Infamous Couple "escaped" from the UK and a job with the Royal Family. There they were classed as Diplomats (representing the Crown) and their "work" was a Royal sort of philathropy... ⬇️
Royals (in the UK & other Constitutional Monarchies) involve a mixture of State events, sponsoring Royal Patronages & heading Foundations or Charities in a public way.

Such WORK involves Royal Tours, visiting a elderly homes, cutting ribbons or heading a Ducal Foundation ⬇️
In the US it's a different situation.

The above mentioned activities have ONE equivalent position: that of the First Lady.

Any other ROLE for High Profile Philathropy is associated with individuals who already have a different JOB DESCRIPTION (Business ppl, Artists, other) ⬇️
Charitable work can be called Philanthropy when they already are High Profile individuals, who at one point devote their own Wealth&Efforts for the Common Good, or specific causes

Charitable endeavors by individuals who are not offering their own wealth is called VOLUNTEERING ⬇️
And because of Simple Common Sense & Dignity, volunteers do not make a *career* of what's supposed to be a Selfless endeavour...

This is the Conundrum the Sussexes find themselves in !! They have no JOB in the US, and are NOT wealthy enough, to justify their Faux Philathropy ⬇️
Every ZoomCall, every PhotoOp using a charity to promote themselves, is not only *desperate*, but nonsensical

Americans don't get WHY they keep doing stunt after stunt as if they were still royals!

IF this is their idea of work (&Financial independence)why leave Britain at all?
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