Having a gender dysphoric child can be a frightening experience. This account will direct parents to various resources where they can get advice that is based on sound science rather than ideology. All of the resources here support the rights of LGBT people.
http://4thwavenow.com  is a U.S. based site with a wealth of personal stories, research and commentary from parents, detransitioners and professionals.
If you want to dig deeper http://genderhq.org  provides a detailed summary of the relevant medical literature. It was created by a group of LGBT people who were concerned about the risks of medical transition of young people.
http://genderreport.ca  covers gender health related issues in Canada.
http://ourduty.group  is an international network of parents working to protect their children from the consequences of gender ideology.
The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine is an international group of clinicians concerned about the lack of quality evidence for the use of hormones and surgery to treat gender dysphoria in young people. https://segm.org/ 
The Boyce of Reason provides full length interviews with everybody who is anybody in the world of gender including medical professionals, researchers, journalists, trans people and detrans people. https://www.youtube.com/c/BenjaminABoyce/featured
Bayswater Support Group is a group for parents of trans-ID children that promotes evidence based care. https://www.bayswatersupport.org.uk/ 
Gender ideology relies on misleading statements about the nature of sex. The Paradox Institute sets out the scientific facts in clear and simple videos. https://www.theparadoxinstitute.com/pi.html 
You can follow @mermaidsgender.
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