It occurs to me I should start a thread for collecting more examples and information about this as it reveals itself to me
Because of this current brouhaha. But cozyness of the producers of entertainment media and the military is a larger more storied issue for Hollywood than it is for video games.
I have a personal theory that "the men who stare at goats" film adaptation was purposefully intended to discredit the book and make people not think of it seriously
A good example of the "cultural work" going on post WW2 is this CIA funded adaptation of Animal Farm that made some notable departures from the book
I dont know how the "Stanley Kubrick shot the fake moon landing" rumor fits into this but someone made a extremely suspicious and weird movie about it in 2015. The film crew lied to NASA and told them they were shooting a documentary.
How to prime a country to accept something terrible? Hypothetically what mindset would you spread if you wanted to ready as many people as possible to join or at least passively accept a terrifying regime? Look at this study. Look at that new video game.
I dont want to make it sound like this is all just the CIA, many people in government have had their own reasons for amplifying racial division.
I'm intentionally going to leave actions taken by the current administration out of this thread, but swing a cat and you'll hit an example
This reminds me of the all the Ballard I've read this year, but I think it misses a crucial point. The idea is not just to escape into bubbles, but to then turn the world outside the bubbles against itself so they dont threaten you.
They may not truly understand the world they are sleepwalking into by sealing themselves off. This could all end like "Highrise" for them, even if the outside leaves them alone. The problem is that even though they're secluded they still control so much.
"bourgeois psychopathy is most fully worked out in High-Rise. A surreal depiction of a luxury apartment complex as it descends into chaos; the upper-middle-class abdicate all connection to the outside world as they commit themselves to an ongoing orgy of destruction and violence"
Most multi-billion dollar companies have what amounts to their own private intelligence agencies. In some ways, you could say Amazon is Hollywood and the CIA rolled into one.
Hollywood does have a bad issue with catastrophizing. The stakes are always as high as possible. Everything is a end times battle between the forces of good and evil where the ends justify the means. Surely this has no "unintended" effect on the audience.
Were in era of remarkable stability and are fed dreams/visions of instability. Told rugged individ. is answer to surviving it. But both the writers and the audience have not exp actual instability. It's possible they dont really what they're encouraging.
Which was a big point in that article about survivors of authoritarianism. You cant name what you dont know. And us American's have been very sheltered, partly by own own media and its simplistic, mendacious depictions of conflict, often crafted with the input of our Intel & MIC.
Because they are the "subject matter experts" and if they DONT approve of the script for your war movie they have ways of limiting support they would willingly offer you otherwise, whether in the form of fact checking, providing vehicles for a shoot, or cross promotion on release
Former President Truman, whose Administration established the C.I.A. in 1947, said in 1963 that by then he saw β€œsomething about the way the C.I.A. has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic positions, and I feel that we need to correct it.”
And President Kennedy, as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him,Β said to one of the highest officials of his Administration that he β€œwanted to splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

Shot dead two years later, a pure coincidence
The year of that Truman quote is the year JFK died.
MKULTRA and GATE are their own enormous icebergs but to scrape the surface I want you to consider what people who would be willing to do this might also be willing to do
If you want my personal opinion about how I feel about all this this song works pretty good.
Fun fact: 90% of the MKULTRA documents were destroyed, so even what we know is just the tip of the iceberg.
"The manchurian candidate" was a almost plausible premise in 1962. It was a technology that was actively being sought by ourselves.
1 of the things I liked about Umbrella Academy is it made big deal about how mind control is kind of an inherently evil power. So it's hard to have a good character that has it. They can't be using it casually, that's fucked up. So a character doesnt use her powers for years.
This is a condensed version of what I'm saying. Theres a song. It's got kittens.
Funny you should say.......
That's kinda how it works
Not going to get into social media in this thread for that subject go to this one
"Counter" intelligence agencies spreading dangerous myths amoung law enforcement
Dint even get me started on bloodletting rituals like these. Forcing people to do this makes them complicit and desensitizes them to it. You know there "one of you". Unwritten procedures and sick "games" that can be found in both LE and the military
Retreating to their bubbles.
Amazon making it possible to never leave your home, then putting an Alexa in your home. If the way they spy on their drivers is any indication, it's not a good sign.
The nazi ratlines...... are another problem.
Sometimes it really do be like this. Even therapists encouraging expressions of violence as healthy or at least preferable sometimes (not saying I dont agree with that advice)
Dont expect Amazom to be above making self serving fiction, either. It also has its own goals and views to promote.
Netflix* not amazon.
Purchasing indulgences
A article citing the study I linked near the top of the thread
Meanwhile, on the other hand
It's almost as if it's just generally a good idea to mistrust anyone with even the smallest bit of authority
said I wouldn't get into the current administration much, but take a look. Influencing people is easier when you dont have to do it in secret. Pushing people in two distinct directions "Qanon" and "BLM"
I believe you will see Qanon & BLM/antifa compared and contrasted more often as people "both sides" this and try to create the fear of an enemy. The civilian death squads are just as awful as the rioters theyve come to put down.
How long have we all been saying this? 4 years, at least. Even before he was elected nobody took him seriously but gave him airtime anyway. How have they never learned? Why still waiting for trump to "becoming presidential"? Why cant say the word "lie"?
In the DNC and the media I see such seemingly willful incompetence and spinlessness that it's hard not to think of them as controlled opposition, even if that's not "litterally" true it feels like it might as well be. Like when a tobacco company funds an anti smoking campaign
I think part of the problem is that the people in gov/media aren't usually the ones with their necks on the chopping block so when they lose to them it's just "oh well better luck next time"
He specifically sites this as being like a modern version of the bay of pigs but my mind goes more "WMDs in Iraq"
Probably nothing to worry about.
I actually have a personal story that relates to that. A guy I served with murdered someone and it was discovered that he had connections to a white supremacist prison gang called "the pecker heads" that used woody woodpecker as a symbol
Useful idiots, both him and his audience
And how did we and they get here?
And yet you see all these people completely clueless as to why Portland is a magnet for violence

Dont think that mindset has gone anywhere. All some people need to feel like they're good is to imagine they're better than someone else.
A form of argument that is everywhere lately and with which I have a personal distaste
But there are many advantageous aspects to making you enemy appear more dangerous than they are.

Greater fear and Urgency
You believe yourself more powerful when you succeed
They deserve it, in fact, this is preemptive
People will believe lots of crazy things when they're afraid or feel threatened
I should know.

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