This involves biological, social, emotional, erotic, physical, spiritual feelings that helps people experience and express themselves sexually. This isn’t about your sex appeal, who you have sex with, how often you do or how you achieve sexual arousal,
2.) it is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviors towards other people of the same or opposite sex. It defines how you express and experience sexual and romantic attraction and your interest in sexual behavior around.
3.) It Also deals with how attracted you are to people physically and sexually. Sexuality is diverse, and discovering it is liberating, life changing and exciting, it may take time to discover and may change over time. But before we go on, we need to talk about the different
4.) types of attraction. There are various types, but for this purpose, it would be narrowed to five:
(A.) Physical attraction: Also known as sensual attraction. Isn’t sexual or romantic in any way. It is the type of attraction experienced between parents and their kids, siblings
5.) friends, colleagues, family members etc. Always accompanied by a feeling to love and care and be loved and be cared for in return. This form of attraction most times leads to romantic attraction and sexual relationship, but it isn’t allowed between parents/kids and siblings/
6.) family members(rape/defilement and incest).

B.) Sexual attraction involves the desire to have sexual contact or a purely sexual relationship with someone with no strings attached. It is common in relationships like friends with benefits, f^ck buddies, relationship between a
7.) man and his mistress or side chick, relationship between a boss and his or her worker if it is purely consensual), relationship between a sugar daddy/mummy and his or her sugarboy/sugar baby(if the sugarbaby or boy is above 18 years) and so on. This is the most popular type
8.) of attraction and it can sometimes lead to romantic or emotional attraction if any or both of the partners fall in love or catch feelings.

C.) Romantic attraction: This is the desire to be involved in a relationship with someone beyond sex based on feelings and affection
9.) towards them. Sex isn’t the main focus in romantic attractions unlike sexual attractions but in many romantic attractions, sexual, emotional and sensual attraction is very important. This type of attraction occurs between married couples and dating partners.
10.) It Could also occur in man/mistress relationship and sugar mummy daddy/sugar baby and sugar boy relationships. It depends on the dynamics the said relationship takes

D.) Emotional Attraction: desire to be be emotional attached and share your feelings and emotions with
11.) someone, it works hand in hand with romantic attraction.

E.) Aesthetic attraction: This happens amongst girls a whole lot, hence why it is popularly believed women have lesbian traits in them. This attraction occurs when you see someone and think they look good or you
12.) admire their physical features. It could be because of their beauty, it could be because they have beautiful breasts, flat stomach or a nice well shaped butt and hips or other body parts, it could be because they have a really nice, well-toned body and abs, masculine and
13.) catchy voice and aura around them as long as sexual and romantic attraction is not involved. However, for men, this could lead to sexual and or romantic attraction because they are easily moved by what they see compared to women although it happens for women too.
14.) This is the type of attraction that occurs between fans and celebrity crushes.

Types of Sexuality.
There are different types of sexuality but I will narrow it into 7 and you can read up on the rest later;
(A.) Heterosexual: the most popular type of sexuality.
15.) It involves sexual, emotional and or romantic attraction to the opposite sex(Man + Woman, boy + girl.) They are mostly described as straight.

B.) Homosexual: it involves sexual romantic and emotional attraction to the same sex. Boy + boy also known as gay and girl + girl
16.) girl also known as lesbians.

C.) Bisexual: Person of a particular gender who are sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to both genders. A woman who is sexually and romantically attracted to both men and women is known as a bisexual and vice versa.
17.) In bisexual sexuality, there are different variables at play. A person can be romantically attracted to one gender and sexually attracted to the other gender I.e, (gay married men who still keep their gay fuck buddies after marriage because of societal stigma or marriage
18.) aesthetic and vice versa), they can as well be romantically and sexually attracted to both genders but may have some form stronger preference to a particular gender depending on attraction I.e. a lady who is in a or loves the idea of being in a loving relationship with a man
19.) but desires or still keep her options open with having sexual or romantic relationship with other ladies for fun or sexual pleasure. Some may have sexual feelings for both gender but only have sexual intercourse with one gender because they are either bicurious, unsure of
20.) their sexuality or scared to come out of the closet.

D.) Asexual: this type of sexuality involves individuals who do not feel any form of sexual attraction to any gender or desire to get involved in sexual activities. This could be due to medical conditions I.e. FGM,
21.) Vaginismus or psychological factors or trauma I.e. rape or sexual abuse. Attempting to have sex as an Asexual May feel like rape. This should in any way not be confused with virginity, abstinence or the choice not to have sex because these categories I mentioned
22.) experience sexual attraction, sexual arousal and even virgins and some persons who have decided to abstain from sex engage in solitary and non penetrative sexual activities and anal sex. However, some people feel sexual attraction towards others only after they’ve created a
23.) sort of physical or emotional bond with a person or experience a romantic or emotional relationship with a person also known as Demisexual. Cupiosexual are asexuals who still desire to experience sexual attraction.
24.) E.) Bicurious: refers to persons who are still experiencing or exploring their sexuality especially bisexuality. They are unsure if they are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual and are often curious about having sexual and romantic attractions with same gender.
25.) F.) ALLOSEXUAL are those who experience sexual attraction while AUTOSEXUAL are those who are sexually attracted to themselves(doesn’t mean masturbation).
26.) G.)AROMATIC are those who experience little to no romantic attraction to any gender, AUTOROMATIC are those who are romantically attracted to themselves while DEMIROMATIC are those who don’t experience romantic attraction until they’ve experience emotional or sexual
28.) In conclusion, it’s important everyone explores, experience, express and pay attention to their sexuality. It is also important to note that some sort of attraction between individuals are prohibited and condemned on moral and religious grounds.
29.) Some attractions if not put in check and can lead to sexual objectification of minors and women alike causes loss of control that could bring about rape, defilement, sexual assault, gender based violence against women and so on. As an adult(man or woman) you are not
30.) expected to have a sexual, emotional and romantic attraction towards a minor below the age of 18 years as letting these attractions materialize into a sexual or romantic relationship is a crime punishable under some Nigerian laws.
31.) All in all, everyone needs to determine their sexuality as that will help in safe, legal and pleasure-able sex between two consenting adults.
Thanks for reading guys 😘😊😊
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