1 When understanding what Trump’s degenerative neurological disease Frontotemporal Dementia is, note:
-It’s a 12+ yr illness. Early years go undiagnosed
-His span is roughly 2012-2024
-His balance loss is right on schedule
This 2017 projection still holds: https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/931514933480697856?s=20
2 The balance and gait issues that have worsened to his loss of balance and near fall in public were visible over 3 years ago. Being that it's a long degenerative illness, it takes time for the early uncoordinated walk and balance issues to create falls. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/885496176845484033?s=20
3 For a deep dive in to Trump's multi-year dementia decline, here's over 30 layers of threads going back a few years. There's a gateway in each thread going back chronologically. Trump's slide is long and documented. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1273407443293347846?s=20
4 If someone you loved could walk 98% of the time w/o falling would that be acceptable? No of course not, bc by 9 AM they'd be injured or worse from falling. That’s why ppl w Trump's type of dementia are in wheelchairs even though they can still walk a bit https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1299493042425131008?s=20
5 The body brace contraption he’s wearing and trying to conceal no longer helps him. He wore a windbreaker in hot weather yesterday. There are tons of pictures where he's wearing it. It keeps him from pitching backward and may provide movement containment https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1167827330498269186?s=20
6 His balance issues have been developing and worsening for a long time. Like this very familiar palm down hand splaying as he tries to maintain balance. Picture walking on a log and trying to balance yourself. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1171208875929997312?s=20
7 These are the type of things that lead to falls. It’s highly irresponsible to let him walk down stairs or on pavement. His medical care must be investigated for this egregious lack of action. Dementia patients don't get to decide- that's the whole point. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1185247752760057856?s=20
8 This move is another classic way to compensate when dementia & degenerative neurological disease erodes balance. As his torso pitched to one side, he raised the opposite leg out to counterbalance falling. This type of save only works for a short while. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1182688642629804037?s=20
9 To present Trump as a viable 2020 candidate is unconscionable & stupid. The Republicans who are dragging out the inevitable will be remembered as cowards. As a consequence of their doing nothing, he’s going to lose his balance and fall in public. https://twitter.com/TomJChicago/status/1120048177959309312?s=20
10 To think Trump’s title or "candidacy" makes him immune from a degenerative neurological disease taking him down is magical thinking. Not knowing your opponent & his successor shows ignorance. Every person in this world eventually kneels before science. Don’t ever forget that
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