You all remember that time that Trump saved NASA from the slow lingering death Obama sentenced it too &then NASA launched the first American astronauts into space from America since 2011 on a SPACEX rocket beginning a new era of USA human space travel? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time after Trump was elected & people were so hungry for real news instead of the fake news by the media that when Trump put up cams showing the elevators in Trump Tower, the live cams got better ratings than CNN& then the left cried? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Hunter Biden was kicked out of the military for drug use &then got a cushy job due to his father's position &then had strippers buy him dildos& fathered a child to 1 &then went into hiding &then Trump said "Where's Hunter?" Good times, good times
You all remember that time in 2016 when all the idiot Hollywood stars promised us, cross their hearts& hope to die, that they would all pack their shit up& leave the country if Trump won &then Trump win& all those losers failed to keep their promise? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the democrat party held a Presidential primary in Iowa &then Crazy Bernie won but they couldn't say that so they suspended counting &then the fake media just "forgot" about the primary &we still don't know the count? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time that the left burned down Kenosha thinking it would bully people into surrender &then people got pissed &then the left got woke to how dumb an idea it is to burn down their own cities &then Trump won the narrative war on law&order? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the left said Trump was going to start WW3, WW4 or WWhatever by calling the NK leader rocketman &then rocketman caved &Trump went to the DMZ &Trump stepped over the border with Kim into NK becoming the First US Pres to do so? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the fake media stood in front of a building set on fire by rioters &said with a straight face that they were "peaceful protests"&then the people saw once again that the fake media had become Pravda&then Trump's polls surged? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the left &fake media said that Trump cutting gov reporting guidelines &regulations would make us all unsafe &then Trump cut requirements &one of which turned out to be requirements on Y2K preparedness, 17 years after Y2K? Good times, good times.
You all remember that Time that Trump moved the Winston Churchill bust back into the Oval office &the fake media storyteller, Zeke Miller, for Time mag wrote that Trump removed the MLK, Jr. bust to do it &then old Zeke was caught in the lie &blamed a door? Good times, good times
U all remember that time that the cult of Hillary gathered at Javits Center to celebrate their win over the irredeemable deplorables with fireworks &then at 2a.m. fakemedia couldn't hide the asskicking the Hillbullies suffered anymore &then the cult cried? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the media and Sen. (D) Dick Durbin made up the lie that Trump called certain counties shitholes &then Trump's supporters laughed& starting pointing out that every socialist country &Dem run blue cities were shitholes? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump opened federal lands to drilling &cut regs for oil production &then fakemedia said it was all a gimmick &then the USA became the #1 oil producer in the world& then Trump broke OPEC& then we had cheap gas for years? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Queen Nancy decided she wanted to get her hair done, mask free, unlike us peasants &then the cagey, wily hair stylist hero "set her up" &showed the world how big of a hypocrite Queen Nancy really is& then we all laughed? Good times, good times.
You all remember that one time after Trump's victory in Nov 2016 that that idiot NYT "Nobel-prize winning economist" predicted the Stock market would crash and then the Stock market boomed for the next 3 1/2 years never looking back? Good times, good time.
You all remember that time some no named idiot storyteller from the Atlantic wrote a fanciful tale about Trump & the military &then no one but idiot leftists & nevertrumpers believed it &then a couple days later a book dropped &then no one remembered it? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Creepy Joe lost his shit& called a NH voter "a lying dogfaced pony soldier" because the dems were still trying to count the votes in IA (btw is the IA race still too close to call?) &then he wondered why he came in 5th in NH? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump defunded the PLO to the tune of more than $200 million &then the leftists dems lost their freaking minds*again* &said it would mean war in the middle east &then instead of war we have peace breaking out all over the ME? Good times, good times
U all remember that one time that a guy from Watergate times wrote a book& the left "raged" it would finally take out Trump &then a week later they come to find out that it didn't &that most people never heard of Woodward let alone his book? Oh, the "rage"! Good times, good times
You all remember when Creepy Joe, the dementia patient, said that 150 million Americans died to guns since 2007& then we few survivors of gunageddon pointed out that was Malarkey &then the fake media &dem "fact checkers" said "come-on, man", he "misspoke"? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time when CNN broke into regular scheduled programming to announce that Trump got 2 scoops of ice cream when everyone else got 1& then they breathlessly reported on scoopgate for days until they realized we were all laughing at them? Good times, good times
You all remember when an 83 year old voter asked Creepy Joe what the hell was Hunter doing in Ukraine& then Joe called the guy fat& challenged him to a push-up contest& then the guy said Biden was a wimp &then Joe said the guy was too old to vote for him? Good times, good times.
You all remember when Trump& Senate confirmed Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS giving it a 5-4 right leaning majority for the first time in decades& then the media/Dems pretended it didn't happen & instead it was still a 4-4 tie when RBG died and not 5-3? Good times, good times
You all remember when AOC had a fake photo shoot outside a fence & then countless people mocked the photo going so far as to stage their own mocked fake photo shoots &then AOC became a laughingstock, again, &the left pretended she wasn't? Good times, good times.
U all remember when Trump said he would end catch& release &the left had an aneurysm& said it couldn't be done &sent caravans of illegal immigrants on paid day trips through Mexico &then Trump put in place Migrate Protection Protocols& Catch &release ended? Good times, good times
You all remember when the uniparty released a Hollywood Access tape &they thought they had defeated Trump& then Trump not only stuck around but brought all of Bill's accusers to the 2nd Hillary debate, fooling the media &then Trump won the debate& election? Good times, good times
You all remember when Obama called ISIS the JV team but the JV team made Obama look powerless& then Trump won the election &brought on the first string, bombing the hell out of ISIS& running up the score defeating ISIS like they were a Pop Warner team? Good times, good times.
You all remember as the Acquitmas saga was wrapping up when the last question was announced &Big Mac Naddy waddled out of his seat faster than Shifty Schiff could say Jerry 3 times failing to send Big Mac Naddy away like Beetlejuice? Good times, good times
Update* I know it's a long thread and there are probably other ways to do this but I have found over the last month and a half it has made it an easy destination for me to post some memories of Good times. Hopefully, its not too long because it will get longer before Nov 3rd.
You all remember when the left waited for years, spent millions, interviewed thousands &sang themselves to sleep at night with thoughts of the Mueller report dancing in their heads& then the report was release &there was no collusion& no obstruction found? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that about 1 million lonely women left their cats at home& went to D.C. to celebrate the crowning of Hillary but than Trump won &then they put on their little pink hats while crying tears& wondered aimlessly around DC for a bit? Good times, good times.
You all remember when the left& media cried that we were hitting PEAK OIL& we were all going to have to stop using oil because we were all evil& used too much& then Trump won the election, opened up drilling & made the USA the #1 oil producer in the world? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time the left pretended that they were the party of decency & morals &then they ran a candidate for Senate in NC that cheated on his wife & kids for years with not one but at least two different women. One, a wife of an Army veteran? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump& FLOTUS contracted Covid &media cheered thinking Queen Nancy would be POTUS🙄& then Trump went to the hospital& they cheered more &then Trump got better& the left howled at the moon because he was still their president? Good times, good times
U all remember when Trump wanted to pass an infrastructure bill to fix our roads, bridges& airports &the dems didn't want to give Trump a win so the dems played politics& blocked it &then we had to drive around for years like INDY racers avoiding potholes? Good times, good times.
You all remember when Mini Mike, the short billionaire, thought he could buy the presidency &spent like $1.5 billion on crappy ads that no one watched except a few who used them as memes& then he got like 2 votes &left the race crying like a little boy? Good times, good times
You all remember when the left &the nevertrumpers wanted to go to war with Iran over a piece of metal shot down in international waters& then Trump said No, it's a freaking piece of metal & we aren't going to war &then he bombed the Iranian general instead? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that VP Pence debated Heelsup AND Susan Page, the moderator, & the left were like "Oh, he is going to get crushed" &then Pence utterly destroyed both of them and the left cried and told us Pence was too male for the women to win? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump got prison reform passed undoing a lot of damage that the Clinton Crime bill did. A bill that Biden sponsored and voted for while calling minorities predators& then the media pretended like Trump didn't pass it? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump called a press event about Obama's B.C & instead Trump got the press to cover the opening of his D.C. hotel& military veterans endorsing him& then as the press realized they got rick rolled leaped onto chairs in a rage? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump got Covid &the media/left cheered& told us he was on his death bed &then the media/left cried as Trump left the hospital& by the next week he was dancing to YMCA in front of 1,000's after giving an hour long speech? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump signed an E.O. to bring freedom of speech back on campus& directed the DOE to publish an outcomes scorecard & then the snowflakes & safe space dwellers cried because they might hear some mean words that hurt their feelings? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that President Trump debated Corrupt Joe Biden& the media were like Joe's got this& then Biden's medication wore off before the end& then Joe said he would end the oil industry& then the media was like "Why, Joe, why?". Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump created the fake news awards, awarding CNN 4/10 &the NYT 2/10 of them &then the rest of fake media were upset they also didn't get an award& promised us all they would try harder to deliver more fake news in the future? Good times, Good times
U all remember that time in 2016 when all the polls& predictions said Hillary was going to win &the media/left where celebrating on their 5 yard line& then Trump &us deplorables blinded-sided them, stripped the ball &returned it to our endzone for the win? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time when Trump made the fakemedia so insane after he had a great victory in the midterms that they were frothing at the mouth & karate chopping interns then the WH had to issue 1st grader rules for media to follow to protect interns?

Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Joe the Plumber accused Obama of being a socialist before the 2008 election and the fake media lied and said he wasn't and then we went through 8 years of socialist hell until finally we were saved by electing Trump? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump tweeted out he was being spied on and the fake media and uniparty had the vapors for weeks and then two years later the AG of the United States admitted in a Senate hearing and NYT reported that SPYING did occur? Good times, good times
You all remember that one time Maddow had the "goods" on Trump's tax returns & the left got all excited and strung out on Trump hate all day & then Maddow released the tax returns& it showed Trump paid more taxes as a % then Obama & the left cried again? Good times, good times.
U all remember back in 2018 after the midterm victory Trump offered the Dems a chance to bury the hatchet& told them that he could play the investigation game too if they continued? The dems laughed at him. They aren't laughing now. Laptop from hell. Good times, good times
You all remember that time the Dow Jones went from 18,332 on Nov 8th, 2016, then went on to have 100+ record closes& passing the 29,000 mark& then the media went into a fetal position whimpering for years that Trump's policies had nothing to do with it? Good times, good times
You all remember that time in 2014, during the Obama mistake, soybeans fell from ~$13 to ~$9.50 &the media never said a word about it& then in 2018 when soybeans had a smaller drop from $10.50 down to $8.81 with Trump, the media acted like world ended? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump went on his first foreign trip visiting the 3 places that signified the 3 major religions in the world &the leftist demons had a tantrum*again* &then Trump become the first sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump took a trip to Helsinki, Finland &met with Putin &then Putin gave Trump a soccer ball& leftist CNN left went all super secret squirrel &said the ball had a secret chip inside &then Trump rolled the ball to FLOTUS for Barron? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the left went full crazy(u should never go full crazy) toppling statues & vandalizing churches in D.C. &then Trump left the Whitehouse in a surprise move to show D.C. would not fall to the insane &strode across the park? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the great Drs. at Walter Reed healed Pres Trump from Covid in a couple days& then the left led by Rubin &WAPO were so upset that a hospital healed a person they called for the defunding of the hospital? Good times, good times

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