Some people are very disgusted with the politicization of sports and seeing millionaires and corporations using a captive audience to further a dishonest agenda that omits key facts. So I am going to do a thread of alternatives to watching sports during the pandemic.
1. Have a BBQ and invite over a neighbor's family. Make sure to ask if anyone has been sick before you invite them over, but spend some time together. Play yard games like cornhole, sit on the patio, and just laugh/talk. And you can change it up every weekend with a new family.
2. Go fishing. It's one of the few things you can do while social distancing. Go by yourself or with friends or family. The fresh air is exactly what you need and you can always catch and release. Warm weather will be gone soon, so get outside while you can.
3. Go for a hike. Corona hits those with health issues the hardest, so not only is a hike fun because you get to experience some wilderness, but it's a great way to improve your cardio.
4. Play an actual game of street baseball/softball. It's fairly easy to social distance (for the most part) and it's more fun to play baseball than watch it on TV.
5. Give golfing a try. It's great for social distancing, a wonderful excuse to drink a beer during the middle of the day, and public courses can be surprisingly reasonable.
6. Remember frisbees? Dude, those things are a blast even now. Get some guys together or take you dog to an open field and have at it. Young or old it's fun. A lot of parks even have frisbee golf courses.
7. Paintball. What better way to spend the weekend than giving your best friends quarter size bruises over half their body? You can find some cheap guns online or rent them at a paintball range.
8. The beach. Other than the occasional douche bag in a grim reaper costume, there is no good reason you can't be on the beach during corona. Open air settings are low risk and water is not a breeding ground for virus transmission, unlike bacteria.
9. Church. Okay, your local politician may be a petty tyrant that refuses to let you attend church in person; but there are a lot of online services you can observe that will reflect your values. I can't think of a better time to contemplate our place in the universe & God's plan
10. Road trip. Now is a great time to rent an RV or trailer so you can visit those state parks that are open or drive to a state that isn't locked down. Easy ways to avoid crowds while taking in the beauty America has to offer.
11. Camping. If you like it rough 😏 camping is for you. And even if you don't like it rough, camping can still work. Roof top car tents with memory foam mattresses are a thing, so don't think camping means wiping with leaves and sleeping on dirt. Get back to nature in comfort.
12. Improve yourself. Who says free time and entertainment can't be productive? Want to learn how to make furniture? Want to speak another language? Want be able to lift a VW bug? Why wait? Instead of being lectured by millionaires, build a better you.
13. Making the world a better place starts at home. Do you need to fix a door knob or garbage disposal? Get it done. That's making your life better rather than being made to feel worse about your life. Start small and you might get addicted to the satisfaction of a job well done.
14. Even if you have your house and life together, what about your neighbor? Volunteer to help them with a project. Go to a local homeless shelter and see if there is something you can do that is covid safe. While people can't go to church, you can fix up our houses of worship.
15. Pick up litter. The world can be an ugly place, so why not make it a little better by removing trash from the streets or sides of the road. Wear a reflective vest so cars see you and make your community a better place to call home. You might inspire somebody.
16. Remove graffiti. Now art is a wonderful thing, but scribbles and obscenities are not. So get some brushes and cleaners to help make the area a little nicer. Always contact the owner of the property before you start.
Now ugly graffiti sucks, but aren't can be fun and therapeutic. It doesn't have to be great to be great for you. From color pencils and cheap water colors to sculpting clay and whittling on an old branch. Art is a great way to quiet your mind and get creative.
18. Foster a dog or cat. There are animals in every community that desperately need a home to stay in until they are adopted. You can be an alternative to that cold shelter and even help train the dog so their odds of being adopted go up.
19. Have you ever wanted to be able to cook something amazing? Now is your chance. Watch some instructional cooking videos online and become the master of your kitchen. Even if you only master something as basic as scrambled eggs, you will not regret your efforts.
20. Check in on a loved one. So many are isolated & frustrated now. Be that voice of comfort they long to hear. Don't have anyone? Call an old folks home & ask if there is anyone there who would like to be a phone friend. Our elederly are isolated and I'm sure they'd love to talk
That's about 20 ways to spend your weekend or evenings. If you are desperate for an alternative to sports you have no excuse to get sucked back into it. Instead of listening to privileged millionaires lecture you about how terrible the world is, do something positive.
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