Analysing my favourite album of all time
🍎A piece of strange by Cunninlynguists 🍎
The concept

The album follows the story of a man as he struggles to choose between right or wrong.
The album tackles the ideas of faith and sin, love and hate, the record also tackels the ideas of racism and discrimination. It touches upon life and afterlife as well.
The production

The record is produced Entirely by Kno.
The instruments on each track are put together perfectly and really complement the album and it's theme. In my opinion this is one of the best produced albums of all time and the production is what propels the album further
Track 1: Where will you be

This opening track sets the scene for the whole album, it poses the question on if you were to pass away today, will you reach salvation? The very few lyrics in this song and the duration of the song allows the listener to fully understand the message
Track 2: Since when

The 2nd track is the most upbeat track on this album, it represents the calm before the storm. The track is a tribute to the south, ephasiesd by the hook of the song. I compare this section to the time before Eve bit in to the forbidden fruit within genesis
However the tempo and instrumental change during the final 30 seconds, to a more sinister feel that adds tension and prepares us for the next track. The upbeat happy feel is gone and the now more serious theme of sin is about to commence, in other words Eve's eaten the Apple.
Track 3: Nothing to give

This song is about the free will of humans and how we choose to do crime and horrible things especially at night as at that time your actions don't seem as clear or as bad.
Another note is that free will is a characteristic given to us by God himself
The "Night" can also be viewed as an metaphor for the feeling of temptation, within the song Deacon describes the "Night" as Lucifer; the once fallen Angel who attracts men to do crime with music. More biblical references.
Track 4: Caved in

The title of this track is important as it indicates we are trapped , therefore in this beautifully crafted song; the issues Deacon talks about we are not able to escape easily. As we are getting stuck in a deeper and deeper hole after each generation.
The majestic hook by Cee-lo Green represents the good individual in society, the person who is selfless and ready to help others. Even if nobody helps him. This juxtaposition forces us to look at ourselves
"So any time you feel your souls in need,
Realize you can depend on me"
Track 5: Hourglass

The first verse of the song explains a man's desires to be with a woman as he lays in bed. This part of the song shows signs of lust as he simply wants the women for sexual purposes and not for love.
The 2nd verse of this song explores the man's wish to be back in his youthful days, back when it was easier to simply be carefree and enjoy life. This connects with the name of the song "hourglass" as time is always going, and as for the man his youth is behind him.
Track 6: Beautiful Girl

One of the best instrumentals I ever heard!

This song could be seen in 2 ways, either the primary view of the song being about lust for a woman or a secondary view that the song could be a metaphor for marijuana. This metaphor is executed superbly.
Track 7 : inhale (interlude)

Going off the assumption that the previous tracks was about marijuana, we can safely assume that this short but superbly produced interlude represents the effects of weed.
Another interpretation is that the sin and deeds are going to get worse....
Track 8: Brain cell

This track is about mental imprisonment, and how we hold ourselves back from doing good, or sometimes even bad. It starts with deacon describing a poor childhood to then kno describing growing up and adolescence and getting mixed up with drugs and violence.
The track then continues on to a 3rd verse where Natti describes the man (the main character of the album) coping with life outside of prison.

HOWEVER there could be another interpretation that the man is simply imagining this life for his future child. The life he once lived.
Track 9: America loves gangsters

This song shows America as a country that idolized the gangster persona and still do. This is in the form of crime, gambling and other bad acts. Thus applying that the main character is also a part of this mess and leading a life of crime and sin
Track 10: Never know why

A really interesting narrative here, the song explores the idea of racism as here the man has his child with the woman he was dreaming about, However the grandfather of the child does not approve of the mixed baby
This is due to the generation gap
Track 11: The Gates

Now we come to this masterpiece, this song follows the racist grandfather as he is now dead and is being questioned at the gates of heaven by St Peter. Tonedeff plays the part of the granddad amazingly and tries to plead non guilty to the judge.
The man explains that during his lifetime had saved many lives of all races during his time as a fireman. St Peter explains that his intentions was to gain fame for being a hero, hence proving he was still a racist who mistreated his own blood, this was enough to send him to hell
Track 12: Damnation (interlude)

Another beautiful interlude that represents the man's transition to hell, the words that are repeated during this interlude are haunting as they show that the sinners are turning towards God.

"Won't ya come and help me, lord"

Track 13: Hellfire

The next track is a complete opposite to the soft,smooth nature of "the gates" as this track is loud and in your face. This is due to the fact that the granddad is now in Hell and the sound difference is to show the difference between Heaven and Hell.
Track 14: Remember me (abstract/reality)

This Gorgeous track takes us out of hell and back to the normal reality, we now have a time to reflect on becoming a good person and changing our ways.
The same can be said for the man who now has a child to take care and his own family.
Track 15: What'll you do

On this song the question at the start is raised and is therefore also answered by Deacon. He raps about him continuing his career and being successful.
As for the protagonist of the album it's applied that he has changed and has become a better man
Track 16: The light

The final track on this masterpiece, this song sums up the message of the album. It talks about the idea that we have gotten so stressed and busy in our lives that we forgot to look at ourselves and change for the better.
Self reflection is key.
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