(1). A thread on Jewish women who not only fought back but struck terror into The Nazis.

Spies, Resistance Leaders, Teachers and Nurses.

Once overlooked.
It’s time to remember them. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1255508262658736130
(2). Sara Fortis:

Fortis known as “Captain Sarika”, who is described as “The Pride of Greece”.

Her family fled into the mountains from The Nazis. By the age of 17, she rose to “Captain” in The Greek Resistance.

The Nazis, so feared Fortis that they released her; when captured. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1255508262658736130
(3). Brenda Senders:

Led the Jewish Resistance in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.
Escaped The Sarni Ghetto (1942).

Leader in the Cavalry and Demolition Battalions of The Resistance.

She led raids against The Nazis.
She liberated Jews from The Holocaust. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1259765707170086913
(4). Gertrude Boyarksi:

Jewish Resistance Leader.

Boyarski escaped the Derechin Massacre (1942). She escaped by killing Nazis with her bear hands.

Her family killed at The Massacre.
In revenge she led female battalions to “shoot at Nazis” at night. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1266376106292113410
(5). Ilse Stanley:

Jewish Resistance Leader.

Stanley was a famous German-Jewish actress in the 1920s.

Saved 412 Jewish people from Camps. She used her wealth and connections to help Jews secure visas to other countries.

Moved to the US after WW2. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1270228795996471296
(6). Anita Frank:

A German-Jewish Nurse.

Led the Department for “Victims of Gestapo Torture” at Berlin-Jewish Hospital.

She treated people at the hospital under threat from The Gestapo.

Deported to Bergen-Belsen (1943). She used her medical skills in the camp to save people. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1250326133012189187
(7). Josephine Baker:

Known as “The Siren of The Resistance”. Baker a close friend to The Jewish World & married to her Jewish husband.

Funded The French Resistance. Hid Jews from The Holocaust.
Later Allied Spy.

She inspired Afro-Caribbean/Black people to join the resistance. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1274990530519326720
(8). Rozka Korczak:

Jewish Resistance Leader

Allegedly, Korczak favourite weapon was her hunting knife.
It was said she never lost a fight against a Nazi.

Helped smuggle Jews out of Vilna Ghetto during The Holocaust. Leader in the Vilna Ghetto Uprising.

Moved to Israel, 1945. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1236748142990811136
(9). Hilda Monte:

The Lead propagandist, against The Holocaust and Nazi Germany.

Austrian-Jewish Feminist.
Monte despised the Nazis.

Moved to Britain and wrote pamphlets on how to resist the Nazis and The Holocaust for most of WW2. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1263492751955558402
(10). Hildgard Margis:

Jewish and Women Resistance Leader. Highly popular German-Jewish author in the 1920’s-1930’s.

She called on all women to rise up against The Nazis in WW2.

She smuggled people out of Nazi Germany to the Allies.

The Nazis openly feared her. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1245309022955339777
(11). Faye Shulman:

Jewish Resistance Leader.

In 1941, her family was killed by The Nazis. She joined the resistance.

She documented WW2 and The Holocaust with her camera.

Many of her photographs were used at the Nazi Trials. It’s unknown how many Nazis she helped prosecute. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1250488815858462725
(12). Sara Ginaite:
Known as “The woman who stood guard”.

Jewish Resistance Leader.
Her family was killed in 1941.

Her job was keep “The Underground” open for Jews to flee Lithuania.

With a handful of resistance fighters she fought of The Nazis and kept “The Underground” open. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1256211710274351104
(13). Tatyana Markus:

Known as “Assassin”.

A Jewish Resistance Leader in Ukraine and Moldova.

A Receptionist, who ruthlessly hunted The Nazis.

As The Nazis invaded her town. She handed Nazis bouquets of flowers full of grenades.

Killed dozens of Nazi Officers with poison. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1273144674774065153
(14). Marisa Diena:

A Italian-Jewish Nursery Teacher.

She was fired at the introduction of Nazi Laws in Italy.

Joined The Italian Resistance.
Soon became a Leader in the Italian Resistance.

Diena oversaw the violent “Italian Strikes”. Led in The Liberation of Turin. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1213848417014886400
(15). Frumka Plotnicka:

A devout Charedi Jew.
Jewish Resistance Leader.

Led The “Jewish Underground” from 1933. Helped Jews flee to Israel from The Holocaust.

Killed at Bedzin Massacre (1943).
With her female battalion they held of The Nazis for Jews to escape. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1263799200011243520
(16). Rabbi Regina Jonas ZKTV”L:

Jonas was the first female Rabbi in The World.

She led the “Spiritual Resistance” to The Nazis. She gave hundreds of sermons to imprisoned inmates at Theresienstadt.

So powerful were her sermons, the Nazi guards feared her. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1268216882773065730
(17). Haviva Reik:

Reik, has fled antiSemitism in Czechoslovakia to Israel.

She joined the Jewish/Israeli Resistance to The Nazis in 1942.

She became a British Spy & led in The Slovak Uprising in 1944.

She inspired thousands to take up arms against The Nazis & The Holocaust. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1226819829618872321
(18). Sara Braverman:

Braverman fled antiSemitism in Romania to Israel.

She joined the Israeli Resistance to The Nazis. She led the deadly Israeli Parachutists on demolition missions.

The Parachutists had the highest demolition rate for any Resistance Group against The Nazis. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1176843243985821696
(19). Rahel Zvi:

Jewish-Israeli Resistance Leader.

Devout Jewish Feminist.

Worked for “The Underground”, by leading Jewish refugees fleeing The Nazis through pro-Nazi Syria.

At night, she would lead countless Jews through to Israel.
As well as leading women into resistance. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1283039148132175872
(20). Else Lasker-ShĂŒler:

Jewish Resistance Leader.

Award winning German-Jewish writer. She fled the Nazis in 1934.

Fled to Jerusalem, Israel; where she funded The Jewish Agency.
She masterminded “The Underground” for Jews to flee The Holocaust to Israel.

She saved countless. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1233080633813020677
(21). Ariadna Scriabina:

Jewish Resistance Leader.

Scriabina led the largest and most active Resistance in France.

Founder of “Armee Juive” or Jewish Army. She led French-Jews into Resistance against the Nazis.

She helped Jews flee to Israel from The Holocaust. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1235353207725060096
(22). Betty Goudsmit-Ouderk:

Jewish and Dutch Resistance Leader.

Originally a Nursery Teacher. Her family was killed in The Holocaust.

Joined the resistance at 17.
She hid over 600 Jewish children from The Nazis by forging documents for them. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1276037937881403397
(23). Eta Wrobel:

Eta led The Polish and Jewish Resistance.

Eta began forging IDs/Papers for people to flee the Nazis.

Leading “marksman” for the Resistance. She trained others “to shoot at Nazis”.

Famously said: “I am a fighter, I am dangerous” - “I am free, I’ll die free”. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1213818408350994433
Zivia Lubetkin:

Jewish Partisans Leader (Poland).

She led in The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Warsaw Uprising.

She helped smuggle Jews into Israel to escape The Nazis.

She testified against Adolf Eichmann, the “Architect of The Holocaust”. https://twitter.com/Fionn_Grunspan/status/1223350885167828992
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