President Tsai announces Taiwan will allow pork imports from pigs fed ractopamine, a lean-muscle additive that's used in 90+% of US ag. This is a big deal on several levels. 1/x
1st, the political motive here is to overcome a major, longstanding hurdle in US-Taiwan trade talks.

US ag interests are a key sticking point for negotiating an FTA. Taiwan for a long time had a ban on US beef and pork imports. US position is: no imports, no negotiations. 2/x
The Ma administration also ran into this problem. Ma tried to lift the ban in 2012 by allowing trace residues of ractopamine in meat, and got huge blowback from the legislature and public opinion:
So, Tsai has stuck her neck out to resolve this impasse over trade talks with the US. Allowing ractopamine in imported pork is a major political risk for her, opening her to cross-party (DPP too!) attacks over:
1. Health concerns
2. Competition with TW pork farmers
(1) in my view is a distraction. TW already allows ractopamine-fed beef imports. US pork (like beef) will be labeled, and there's no evidence the additive is unsafe. The US side said TW's objections were not based on science. I think that's right.
So that's the politics behind this move: Tsai has decided to accept the inevitable criticism that lifting the ban will trigger, in return for forward progress on an FTA with the US.

She's attempting the same thing Ma tried to do and could never pull off. Bold, and risky.
It turns out the big switch here occurred in 2012, after the UN food standards body, Codex Alimentarus Commission, narrowly voted to approve maximum standards for ractopamine residues in pigs and cattle.
The Ma administration then quickly moved to get the LY to lift the ban on US beef imports, because they were now in line with UN standards. The KMT caucus then went along and the necessary changes to the Food Sanitation Act were passed:
Now, what about pork? The Tsai administration is asserting that the Council of Agriculture has the statutory authority to set standards for ractopamine in imported pork. I.e. no legislative action is required to make this change:
So in order to block this move, the legislature would have to pass a new bill, like they did in 2009-10 against beef imports.

The DPP controls a majority there and Tsai is party chair, so we'd expect this not to happen. But it DID happen to Ma!
Finally, this also says something about US-Taiwan-PRC relations. Tsai is trying to rebalance Taiwan's economy away from over-dependence on the PRC. The US is looking for ways to shore up support for Taiwan in face of PRC pressure.
The pork and beef issues have been stumbling blocks for so long that FTA discussions have never gotten started.

If Tsai is able to pull this off, they just might. And at this moment of US-PRC trade conflict, that opens up a lot of possibilities for Taiwan to reap benefits.
The tweets of praise for Tsai coming from high-level people in US govt and Congress should give an idea of how much Taiwan stands to gain by this move. E.g.:
Relevant to this thread: Lighthizer at USTR is a major obstacle to a US-Taiwan BTA:
The Council of Agriculture is going full-speed ahead w/ plan to brand Taiwan pork, under assumption they'll be competing with US imports next year:
The review of exec orders originally went to various LY committees. After failure to act, the review has now been kicked into the cross-party negotiation mechanism (政黨協商), where every party caucus has 2 reps and a consensus must be unanimous:
Under PNM rules, if there's no cross-party consensus after 1 month, the speaker can bring the orders up for a floor vote, which would happen sometime in December.

B/c the DPP has a majority, it can then approve the orders without agreement from the other caucuses.
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