Why @Mermaids_Gender is the most egregiously manipulative, abusive, homophobic, deranged, cruel, libellous and dangerous đŸ”„dumpster fiređŸ”„ to happen to GNC children, ever, in the history of all time. Ever:
A thread:
"We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press"

How *fucking* dare you? I mean, really, how dare you?
"This isn’t about a ‘woke’ majority enforcing politically correct beliefs on others."

Yes and no. It's a woke *minority* ruining peoples lives.
"Trans people are far from being accepted by society and suffer real life discrimination, including physical violence, employment discrimination and everyday harassment on the street."

I think you'll find this has been acknowledged, repeatedly, by @jk_rowling.
"Trans young people should not be used to amplify separate issues such as male violence, bodily autonomy or patriarchy."

*separate issues*?

Sorry.... Separate issues?

Go fuck yourselves in the eye you misogynist douche canoes.
"We do not believe J.K. Rowling ‘hates’ trans people. We also welcome and accept that she is sympathetic towards trans children and teenagers."

Sweet of you. Except you just accused her of *causing self-harm and suicide*
"we beg her to at least consider the possibility that trans young people are able to express who they are for themselves."

Straw-man, the first:

How exactly does Rowling's aversion to conversion therapy & ...
...a postmodernist, privileged-deranged, entitlement riddled, interpretation of Sex (rechristened Gender) have anything to do with how young people choose to "express who they are for themselves"?

Did she tell a single trans identified person to stop identifying thus? No? No 🖕
"J.K. Rowling rightly speaks of brave ‘detransitioned’ young women."

Ooooooohhh don't you *dare*. Don't EVEN.

You hate detransitioned people (who are mainly women) because they had the courage to break free of your coercive homophobic poison.
"Yet, does she consider trans people, living openly in spite of public hostility, less brave?"

Straw-man the second:

Does she think trans people "less brave" than detransitioned people? No.

Receipts please, you *dicks*.
"At Mermaids, we support people no matter the path they take and that of course includes those who transition, detransition or retransition."

"any further form of official inquiry would be welcomed in our efforts to strengthen the support we offer. The image of trans organisations cowering away from public inquiry is a figment of the anti-trans movement’s imagination"

Don't worry guys, that inquiry is well on it's way
"If we are considered radical by some, then we will accept the badge and wear it with pride."

You are not radical in any meaningful political sense because you espouse eminently conservative doctrine. You are champions of an innately regressive cause.
"We do not consider it radical to believe that trans adults were once trans children."

"If standing beside trans young people and their families is radical, then please, J.K. Rowling, be radical."

(Most rhetorically deft and disgracefully manipulative sentence award, say aye?)
"No movement is perfect"
"who stood against racism, homophobia, misogyny and all forms of prejudice, all the while threatened by the famous, rich and powerful of their day."

Yep, being a singe mother on benefits, writing your way out of poverty with an HB pencil: women like her are basically Jeff Bezos.
"We hope people will soon see the damage being done to vulnerable people by the nature of this polarised, misinformed ‘debate’"

You're the ones damaging children. It's *you*. You're the bad guys.

Stop telling children they are wrong.
"We repeat our call for people of all perspectives to refrain from threatening and aggressive behaviour"

Yeah... that's bollocks. Every account that has ever told me to "get raped in a ditch filthy terf" has followed your *wretched* Twitter account.
"and we utterly condemn anyone sending threatening or abusive content to J.K. Rowling"
"Again, as we have asked before: please, do not speak about trans children and young people, until you have listened to them first."

We did. And they told us you fucked up their lives before they even had a chance to live them. I wish you'd go away forever.
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