Thread: The Feminization of Men

Traditionally, men were capable and strong. They were leaders and authorities; patriarchal and protective.

Men shaped and guarded culture and were the driving force in public life.

No longer is this the case.

Over the course of decades men have come under sustained attack, reshaping their position in the world; chipping away at their authority and morphing them from beneficent leaders, to spineless cowards.

Many have even assumed that most dreaded of forms.

The Soy-Boy.

Feeble and craven, these pushovers inherently cause damage to the world.

Through their incapacity to be real men, they harm society.

As Jordan Peterson so aptly put it “if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.”

Truth is, weak men cannot maintain patriarchal protections.

With their proliferation, the Patriarchy died.

With its death, society took a new direction; a direction which has led to the point we are at now:

- Rampant promiscuity
- Carnal degeneration
- Sexualised children

Much like women have been shaped by institutions promoting agendas, so too have men.

But masculinity has come an attack which is breathtaking in its scale.

The War against men has been waged on three fronts:

1) Biological
2) Cultural
3) Metaphysical

So all-encompassing, it can be nothing but purposeful.

The consequence?

Sexual degeneracy. Societal destabilization.

1) Biological

Men’s very core has come under assault as malicious actors have attempted to strip him of his testosterone.

And it appears they have been successful.

Testosterone controls a man's assertiveness, his vigour and strength; essential characteristics for Patriarchal protection.

But men's testosterone levels are dropping, making them a shadow of what they once were.

Generational shifts have seismically changed who men are, and how they act.

Simply put, you are not the man your father was.

This causes internal dissonance as the engine of man is the same, but the fuel has been reduced.

Depression, ill-ease and anxiety the result of draining his tank.

But how has this occurred?

One factor is the introduction of endemic endocrine disruptors.

From pesticides in your food, to BPA in water bottles, to 'recycled' contraceptives, you cannot avoid these toxins.

And each exposure weakens your hormonal health.

Purposefully introduced, endocrine disruptors are just the base of an all-encompassing and sweeping societal attack.

Diet, health and lifestyle each have played their part in shaping the new, feminised man.

Told not to eat meat, encouraged to drink estrogen-laden beer and shamed for indulging in fleshly pursuits of strength shows the truth.

Culture has been weaponized against him.

2) Culture

Feminist doctrine espousing gender as a social construct – that sex is separate from biology – opens the door to men being 're-educated.'

Enter "Toxic Masculinity."

With it, men's inherent nature is pathologised; jealousy is no longer a protective sign of care, but a controlling and malicious infringement.

New-Speak moulds his behaviour:
- "Mansplaining" weaponizing his speech.
- "Manspreading" attacking his body language.

Aimed at leaving him in a constant state of unease and discomfort, raging at an internal struggle becomes natural as his intrinsic understanding of the world is disrupted on the very base level.

These micro discomforts manifest as mental anguish.

Purposeful and perverse.

3) Metaphysical

Instead of his God-given right at the head of the family, he is told all must be equal.

In shifting this base man is left on social quick-sand, as what is intrinsically felt to be right is sharply told to be wrong.

Commonsense truths are no longer held to be common.

The men who maintain them are attacked, derided and destroyed.

Disorientated by an all-encompassing attack; hormones imbalanced; culturally assaulted, most succumb and conform.

What else is there left to do?

Yet such nihilistic surrender is not becoming of man; all is not lost.

First men must understand what has happened;
Then they must comprehend what is happening;
Finally each man must shape what is to come.

He must reclaim his manhood, and rail against this degeneration.

Ignorance is bliss, but the ignorant are easily manipulated.

Don't lose your soul to comfort.

/End Thread
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