Lohengramm’s Galactic Empire: An implementation of Machiavelli’s Prince politics

This thread is a parallel between the common political maneuvers described in both works of fiction, basically How to gain power and conserve it.

1- I wouldn’t say Reinhard is a machiavellian character by any mean given his personality and intentions, I’m talking tactics here
2- It’s really just an humble observation that I thought could be interesting, don’t take it too seriously
I- Moving the Capital to Fezzan, assigning a governor from the Imperial forces to Heinessen
Chapters III-V — The best methods to govern a newly conquered territory are to go and live there yourself, to establish colonies in them, and to weaken strong factions within the state.
II- Reinhard abolishing the privileges of the aristocracy
”The nobles wish to oppress, while the people only desire not to be oppressed. A prince can never secure himself against a hostile people, because they are too many. ...
On the other hand, he can secure himself from the nobles, as they are few in number.” — Chapter IX
III- The choice to keep a few trusted nobles at his side (Mariendorf, Karl Braque, Eugen Richter)
“… nobles ought to be looked at mainly in two ways: that is to say, they either shape their course in such a way as binds them entirely to your fortune, or they do not. ...
Those who so bind themselves, and are not greedy ought to be respected and loved.”— Chapter IX
IV- The prominence of Oberstein and Reuenthal despite their nature and ambitions
Chapter XXIII — A wise prince will pick intelligent advisors and allow only them to speak frankly, and only when he asks for their opinions. He should listen carefully, but make his own decisions.
V- A stormy ascension to the throne : The Westerland accident, The Fall of Goldenbaum, The kidnapping of Erwin Joseph II
“… It is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have described, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. […]
A prince should appear merciful, faithful, kind, religious, upright, but should be flexible enough to make use of the opposite qualities when it is necessary.” — Chapter XVIII
VI- Though he is also the political leader of the Empire, Reinhard is mainly focused on War and stays at the top the military
« Thus, a prince should have no other object, nor any other thought, nor take anything else as his art but that of war and its orders and discipline; ...
for that is the only art which is of concern to the one who commands …» — Chapter XIV
VII - One army: Reinhard’s army
Chapter XII — Machiavelli sets out the three different kinds of army: prince’s army, mercenary troops, and auxiliary troops. We learn that auxiliary and mercenary troops are dangerous and useless.
Mercenaries have the weaknesses of being “disunited, undisciplined, ambitious, and faithless.”
Thank you very much for reading despite this thread being a bit tedious, the Twitter format is not best for this kind of topic but eh- still did it!
Have a great day :)
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