In "normal" cult situations, the deprogramming is difficult even when the rest of society, and reality, directly contradicts the surreality of the cult.

With Trump, the pathology of the "cult of personality" has permeated the institutions of government and Right Wing Media...1/ not only is it difficult to use reality as a contradiction to challenge the cult ideology...but because the cult has infiltrated governmental institutions and the Right Wing media...."reality" reinforces, confirms, and justifies the cult's ideology/paranoia/distortions...2/
This is happening in real time with Trump, McCarthy, etc., refusing to condemn Qanon, even as the FBI designates the group as a domestic terror threat.

The refusal to condemn Qanon is an implicit endorsement of it.

Qanon is a sub-cult, within a cult (of personality:Trump)....3/
Thread on conspiracy theory susceptibility:....5/...
Another thread analyzing allegiance to Trump:.....6/......
Another thread analyzing the Trump cult behavior/loyalty:....7/....
Thread on the Right Wing Media Echo Chamber's "Fire Hose of Lies" disinformation campaign that fuels the cult mentality:....9/....
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