2/ https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1291644038400086017?s=21
5/ I never asked to become racist and frankly, I’m fairly pissed off about it. I’m no longer embarrassed to admit I’m racist because I DON’T WANT TO BE and I couldn’t help my subconscious being shaped by the society I grew up in. https://www.vox.com/2020/6/17/21284527/systemic-racism-black-americans-9-charts-explained
6/ There’s this “AH-HA” moment that so-called “woke” white people have where they finally realize the label “racism” doesn’t mean what they thought it meant. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/07/racism-concept-change/594526/
11/ White people who get past the idea that “racist” automatically means you revere the KKK are on the right path but often still want to succinctly be told how to act the “right way” so they don’t have to worry about it anymore. https://www.fordfoundation.org/ideas/equals-change-blog/posts/a-call-for-moral-courage-in-america/
12/ Recognize there’s no silver bullet or simple switch to suddenly become “not racist;” eliminating racism involves humility and continual growth. Accept that it’s something added to your subconscious against your will & choose to to be “anti-racist.” https://www.self.com/story/white-ally-resources
13/ There’s a fear of “being canceled” if you get it wrong—guess what, you’ll make mistakes. I’m probably making some right now as I write this thread. Forgive yourself, learn, and grow. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/opinion/antiracism-what-comes-next.html
15/ There’s also the issue that people who experience racism on a constant basis are exhausted. As a white person, try to direct your questions and feelings about your journey with unlearning racism in ways that don’t dump your emotional labor on them. https://www.scarymommy.com/stop-asking-people-color-explain-racism/
16/ Read/watch the vast amount of media already created by people of color on this topic, talk to other white people who are actively trying to shed racist behavior, & always keep “ring theory” in mind when expressing your frustration or your successes: https://www.dailyshoring.com/circle-of-grief-ring-theory/
I decided to link this semi-related post here, too: https://twitter.com/iron_eliza/status/1290750572338073600?s=21 https://twitter.com/iron_eliza/status/1290750572338073600
This clip from John Oliver is better than much of the journalism from actual news shows. My jaw still isn’t off the floor from the footage of the #Kenosha sheriff publicly advocating genocide of Black people or that he posed kneeling with #BLM. WTAF https://twitter.com/iron_eliza/status/1300686303110062080?s=21 https://twitter.com/iron_eliza/status/1300686303110062080
/22 Lastly (for now): instead of thanking me for regurgitating what other people did the legwork on, I strongly recommend researching & thanking them instead, perhaps alongside a monetary donation if you have the means. https://www.raiseblackvoices.org/ 
/23 HEY FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE: I’m calling myself out on doing the thing in the screenshot tonight—I have spent so much time trying to find someone explicitly organizing against rigged voting machines in GA re: senate runoffs when it’s not like I didn’t KNOW @staceyabrams...
/24 ...Stacey Abrams has been registering voters & delivered GA for the general + she personally experienced the injustice of this rigged system from her run for governor that was almost certainly rigged & thus founded @faircount.. Above screenshot credit: https://medium.com/marleyisms/some-insulting-things-a-lot-of-white-people-do-ce4053296cb6
/25 Here’s the website for https://www.faircount.org/  in case you’re interested in getting involved with the Georgia elections. PLEASE don’t try to take over—listen to what they actually need from you. #HandMarkedPaperBallots #GEORGIA #FairElections
/26 This one kind of loops back into the thread a bit but is it’s own thread, too. #RacismMustFall #AntiRacism #AntiRacist #WokeIsntEnough #CenterBlackFeelings #BIPOC https://twitter.com/iron_eliza/status/1326102725407502336
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