thread clearing up the misinformation spread about hwasa past + what she's actually done
disclaimer: hwasa has done some problematic stuff in the past but most of the things ive seen people accuse her of is either exaggerated or made up, if any of the things she's actually done makes you uncomfortable (as a black person)you have every right to not like or forgive her
that also doesn't mean you should be sending her hate, insulting her or bringing up her past in conversations that have nothing to do with it e.g. spamming her mistake in the replies of a celebrity who said they like her music
1. adding nigga on to a song that didn't include it

during a radio show 5 years ago, hwasa did a cover to beyoncé's irreplaceable. a lot of people seem to think she added on the word "nigga" which is totally not the case, the lyrics provided by the radio station were from melon.
beyoncé has two versions of irreplaceable, two of which include the word. bare in mind hwasa doesn't speak english now let alone 5 years ago, so adding on that word doesn't make sense. lets ask why melon chose to use the version with ngga in it and why it's still up
2. hwasa called herself black unnie

there's a picture going round of hwasa and solar with korean captions "black unnie" on hwasa and "white unnie" on solar. people think hwasa wrote the caption when it was actually a fan. hwasa is the maknae, it make no sense
3.she did blackface multiple times

this is incorrect. during, a concert ALL four members of mamamoo (not just hwasa, the only one y'all seem to hold it against) decided to do parodies. in this VCR parody, the girls used a darker foundation to portray bruno mars in the lazy song
they were unknowing and ignorant of the historical effects and meanings of blackface and once were told of these truths they immediately gave an public apology (5 times) to the black community in an open letter and took time out of their schedule to educate themselves on it.
4. hwasa is homophobic

this one is very stupid and came out of nowhere, it was made up by a now suspended anti who even apologised for it. hwasa did not do a vlive that day
5. hwasa wore african clothes to scare people with it

neither of these are true, someone made a fake translation before it even aired and made it trend. this is the actual episode
the clothes also aren't even african, i can see how people were confused at first. she recreated her usual sauna look into this, mbc should've made it more clear instead of just saying "luxurious sauna outfit" the head wrap also isn't a gele and i think that's a huge stretch.
she used the same pattern of her outfit on her head wrap, some people are also said she was wearing a buba...
6.hwasa thought of herself as african american

short answer is no, long answer (take the time to actually read it, i know y'all love nit picking):
7.hwasa is blackfishing

this is kinda absurd but she's naturally darker, she's spoken multiple times about the colorism she's faced as a child and growing up. despite all that she seems very happy about how she looks and owning both her body and skin colour
8. hwasa bodyshamed

hwasa has been body shamed all her life, this was pulled out of her rap verse in a collab, the verse is clearly about her encouraging herself not to diet and not other women.
she's pro women if anything
so what has she actually done?
1. singing the n word in the lyrics given to her (2015)
2. braids (2015)
3. bruno mars blackface (2017)
4. durag is queendom (2019)
i had to put the dates down because some of y'all love saying she's doing ca all the time when it's no more than your usual culture appropriating kpop fave (yes it's normalised and the bar is in h3ll)
there's also a misconception that hwasa knows english so she knew what she was saying, she knows a few words and phrases maximum. some people also think she grew up in hawaii or abroad, she's a countryside girl
end: take what u want from this, tired of people hating her for things she hasn't done and spreading misinformation. especially using it as an excuse to harass her. and non black folks using black anger for their little fan wars
i also need to add this, a lot of africans were spoken over when we said it wasn't our culture and called c00ns for it
moomoos don't hide what hwasa or mamamoo did, we couldn't even if we wanted to. we'd be like "mamamoo vocal queens" and the replies will be about blackface... we inform anybody who wants to stan them about their past so this misconception about us hiding it isn't true at all
black moos have it worse, we can't even stan in peace without kpop stans calling us derogatory words and making the same slavery jokes
one more thing to add for the n word situation, she doesn’t speak english nor knows how to read it ,when she’s singing in English she reads from transliterated lyrics, it's basically english lyrics pronunciation but written in hangul.
so for y'all to say "she should've just researched it" or "she knows what it means" is kinda weird. she grew up in a farm and didn't go to college. this was in 2015 when she was 18/19 and she hasn't said it again
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