Strategies for overcoming procrastination

Procrastination is a human condition. Research shows that 95% of people admit to putting off work.

Procrastination is mostly an emotional reaction to something we don't want to do.

1) Accept that you are procrastinating

The first step to overcoming the procrastination is to accept that you are procrastinating.

You can't stop procrastinating if you live in a denial.

Accepting your condition will make you take action to stop your procrastination.
2) Figure out the root cause of your procrastination

Before overcoming procrastination, you have to get to the root cause of it.

The common reasons you tend to procrastinate as the task is :
Not rewarding
3) Do something to get started

Starting the task is the biggest hurdles you have to overcome.

Once you get started something, you have successfully overcome the initial hump of starting it in the first place.
4) Assess the cost of procrastination

Assessing the cost of procrastination will help you recognize the importance of the task you are putting off.

If you are not mindful, your procrastination can affect your job, finances, stress, happiness, health, etc.
5) You are distracted: Just disconnect

Distraction is the reality of modern lives.

Whether it's email, social media notifications, reading news, wasting time on the internet.

Just disconnect from the internet, turn off your devices, and focus on the task to be completed.
6) Finish the most important task for 30 min

Instead of planning to finish the whole task at once, work on the most important task for 30 minutes.

This way you will be able to find the rhythm in your work.

Once you have worked for 30 min, take a 5-minute short break.
7) Start your day with the hardest task first

Make a plan in the morning to start your day with the hardest task first.

You will be fresh and energized in the morning.

Tackle your hardest work right then.

You will feel better once you make progress and be confident later.
8) Break down the task into small chunks

Breaking down the task in small chunks will make it look less intimidating.

You will be less dreaded to approach the work thereafter.

Consider incorporating a technique like Pomodoro, where you can take breaks at planned intervals.
9) Make a concrete to-do list

Avoid making a long, ambiguous, and disorganized to-do list.

This is just setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, create a small and meaningful to-do list and try to cross off a few entries from the list every day.
10) Done is better than perfection

Trying to achieve perfection in your work might be holding yourself.

You have achieved nothing until it is done.

Get rid of your vision of perfection and deliver the first cut.
11) Reward yourself upon completion of tasks

Completing a task will boost your self-confidence.

You will be motivated to take up other tasks or challenges.

Reward yourself on every small achievement.

With sustained practice, you can learn to get over procrastination !!
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