For white life expectancy to fall to the best-ever Black life expectancy would take at least 700,000 excess white deaths this year.

When it comes to fighting Covid, we've changed virtually every aspect of how we live. And most of these changes are overwhelmingly popular. We understand that major disruption is worth it to prevent deaths at this scale.

This research shows that racism produces pandemic-scale deaths every single year.

So why aren't we just as willing to embrace disruption and reorganization to fight racism?

My article concludes: "These results should reframe these debates away from which transformations are politically tenable to, simply, which transformations will be effective in preventing harms associated with racism." ...

"If Black disadvantage operates every year on the scale of Whites’ experience of COVID-19, then so too should the tools we deploy to fight it. Our imagination and social ambition should not be limited by how accustomed the United States is to profound racial inequality."

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