Who are the Israelites recognized by the Bible, and what is the bodily identity of The Messiah?

A Thread...
This is a highly contested topic, especially in recent times.
Please, let it be known that this study isn't to the gratification of the flesh, but to the glorification of God; and in no way does colour, ethnicity or genealogical heritage determine a person's salvation.
Jesus Christ remains the ONLY WAY for both Jews and gentiles or heathens (John 14:6).
Also, I'm fully Pro-Shemitic and I acknowledge God's recognition of the Biblical people of Israel.
In order to be as apt and concise as possible, I'll start from Ham, the son of Noah. This is so as to know exactly who the Biblical Israelites are; in subsequent full threads, I'll go into details on Japheth, Noah and those before him.
Christians & most denominations all know..
and agree (rightfully so) that Ham, one of Noah's sons, was black, and all his descendants were black like him. Ham in the original translation, means 'hot', 'black' or 'sunburnt'.

Mizraim, the second son of Ham (Genesis 10:6), was the father of the Egyptians.
And from the scriptures, since we know that Ham, who was black, was the father of the Egyptians who were also black people, let's now focus on the Israelites, the children of Shem.
I could go on and on about the beginning and how Shem was also black like his brother Ham...
(Unless you really believe that Noah gave birth to 3 utterly distinct children in colour).
From this verse below, you'll notice that the Canaanites (also children of Ham), thought that Joseph and his brethren (Israelites) were Egyptians.
Now, if the Israelites were of the 'middle eastern' or whatever white look, it would have been very easy for the Canaanites to...
spot them out & immediately identify them, but they couldn't tell or differentiate an Israelite from an Egyptian, because they looked alike, hence their mistake.
So, you'd understand that Joseph and his people, the Israelites, also looked like the Egyptians in colour & other news
Have it in mind that the Egyptians were black just like their ancestor, Ham.

Secondly, from Genesis chapters 42-45:3, Joseph's brothers who came to get corn, didn't recognize their brother Joseph. You could say that Joseph had already grown...
so it would be impossible to recognize him; BUT, if Joseph looked like the so-called middle eastern colour of today, at least, it would've aroused the suspicion of his brothers, knowing that he'd be the only 'middle eastern' looking person, but no, they never suspected anything..
Remember, the Egyptians were black, just like their father, Ham (father of modern so-called Africa).
In this scenario, the midianite ladies thought that Moses was an Egyptian, and referred to him as such to their father. The only way he would've been assumed to be an Egyptian, would only be if he looked like an Egyptian.
Let's not fail to remember that, the Egyptians were black just like their father, Ham (so-called father of the black race).
In this situation, the Roman soldier was shocked that Paul could speak Greek, he mistook Paul for an Egyptian. If Paul was 'middle eastern' looking or any other kind of white, he wouldn't have been instantly mistaken for an Egyptian...but he was.
Remember again, that the Egyptians were black people like their father, Ham...who was also black.

Now, assuming you're still adamant that the Israelites were 'middle eastern' looking, let's not forget that they intermarried a lot with the Egyptians and other descendants of Ham.
For example, Moses married an Ethiopian, Joseph married an Egyptian; in fact, due to the mixing up with the Hamites, their (the Israelites) people would've been completely blackened by the 4th generation;even David married a Hamite (Batsheba), who became mother of King Solomon;
And King Solomon went on to marry an Egyptian woman (his first wife) and other Hamites.

If the Israelites were black like the Egyptians, then Jesus, who came through an Israelite woman, and is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, would definitly be black also, that's a certainty.
Therefore, Jesus was and is black, same with the real Israelites.
For the popular scriptures commonly used in describing Jesus & the Israelites in this truth therapy, see list below:
Revelation 1:14-15, Daniel 7:9 & 10:6, Amos 9:7, Lamentations 4:8, Songs of Solomon 1:5-6 & 5:11.
NOTE: Make sure, when studying these sctiptures, you use the concordance (preferrably Strong's Concordance) to find the root words, and the actual meanings of certain words; this is due to the myriad of translational errors in these scriptures.
Also, remember that Nimrod in the bible, was a descendant of Cush; the Cushites are modern day Ethiopians, and Nimrod was a Cushite who built the tower of Babel in the city of Shinar (Genesis 11).

Shinar later became Babylon, and Babylon is modern day Iraq...in the middle east.
And that was the country which Abraham came from, Ur of the Chaldees in that area, which is today's Iraq.

This means that all that area, in the Bible times, was populated and ruled by black people like the Ethiopians(or 'subsaharan African') of today.
I'll give out a few scriptures in pictorial form for you to read and have a long hard think on the people in history to pass through these curses.
And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.
- Deuteronomy 28:64
And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.
- Deuteronomy 28:68

Notice the Ethiopian Sea?
Now, why is all this important?

Well, apart from discovering the genealogical heritage of a people, this will help us to understand prophecy rightly, and place the timings better.
Well, if you look at Luke 21:24, You'll notice that Jesus prophesied that the Israelites will be taken captives into all nations, and THEY WON'T RETURN until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled, and that the city will be trodden upon until the gentiles' time is complete.
The question everyone should be asking is "has the times of the gentiles been fulfilled?"

This is because it is The Messiah's return that will finally put an end to the time of the gentiles on the land of the Israelites.
So, has that happened?
From the maps, and scriptural quotes, I believe you now know exactly who the Israelites are...
They are:
1. The descendants of African slave trade.
2. African Americans.
A lot of tribes in Africa are also part of Israel, like the Bantu, Lemba, Igbo & some Ghanaian ethnicities.
If you want to find out how true this is (though they're not 100% trustworthy) you can go on YouTube or any other internet source, to find out the tribes most African Americans are part of, through DNA tests. Most of them fall into the Bantu and Igbo tribes amongst others.
By the way, haven't you thought why Mary & Joseph fled with baby Jesus to Egypt?
Could it be that they could easily hide there due to them looking like the Egyptians?
If they were white or 'middle eastern', they'd probably have been caught by the border before leaving Israel.
There are hundreds of verses that confirm again & again all I've written.
This is a wake-up call to children of The Most High, to dig into the word and find the pure gold of truth.
And I pray that the Spirit of God guides you into more truth.

Let this be the beginning.

For a summarised, historical peep into the unfolding of events of the captivity of Israel, you may find this video highly educative.
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