denmark has the highest level of private debt in the world and a bigger per capita carbon footprint than the US.

its income inequality has doubled over the past few years and high costs of living in the cities have dumped the poor, elderly, and immigrants into rural jutland
in norway, the xenophobic radical anti-islamist party breivik supported won 16.3% of the vote and entered coalition government.

the country's reliance on oil revenues is causing Dutch disease, all as norwegians hold the world's largest sovereign wealth fund built on oil
finland has the highest murder rate of developed european countries, and the nordic countries' highest suicide rate. alcoholism is an endemic and ongoing public health crisis. its much-touted educational system had finnish students burning porvoo cathedral and shooting up schools
sweden is one of the world's largest arms exporters and has a higher youth unemployment rate than the EU average. it continued a program of non-consensual eugenic sterilization up until 1975, and its right wing party is the third largest in the country
and this all ignores the fact that nordic social democracy is built on the joint pillars of exploitation of the global south, ruthless realpolitik, and stauch traditions of xenophobic isolationism
a very good addendum:
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