It’s interesting to see people get shocked over things pertaining to slavery/the treatment of Black people.. and those things are just the tip of the iceberg. I’m going to write down just some things I’ve heard.

I’m letting you know now, what you’re about to read is very sad:
Some things I’ve heard about- remember to do your own research too after reading this; they’d suck/drain the milk from mothers so they couldn’t feed their babies, they’d put babies in buckets in the rain to drown and parents couldn’t do anything about it.
They had s*x farms. Breeding farms. I’ve heard they had plantations specifically for p*dophilia. Some plantations were specifically for those of a minor age. These people were targeting the children in the worst way/s imaginable.
Did you know; Baltimore- had some of the most pedophilic and incestuous plantations in the country. So, a lot of people there are supposedly related.
They forced people to breed, it didn’t matter if you were related. They’d put a bag over their heads too.. so they wouldn’t know.
I’ve read about an enslaver who slept w/ his mixed race offspring. I doubt this was an isolated incident, so incest & abuse of all sorts was going on.
Some more; Maybe they would allow you to get married.. ok.. but on your wedding day (I don’t know if this happened to every couple or not), rape the woman, chain the man up so they’re forced to watch and not be able to do anything.
Chain them up and do the same thing to their children. They would also violate Black men- Buck Breaking. If a Black man defiant and willing to fight..he was certainly a target. They’d try catch them, beat them and rape them. In front of everyone.
A pregnant black woman could report being pregnant- either from being violated or not- and they’d dig a hole in the ground, lay the mother over it and beat her- so then all of the stress and fear would pass down to the baby.
Sometimes they’d cut the baby out the stomach and step on the head as a punishment.
Children were abused, brutalised the most... that’s how you weaken and destroy a group of people. When they’re older, they’re damaged. And this affects their descendants.
And they had the audacity to try and portray us in a negative, evil way. Particularly Black males. For example; the brute caricature. How dare they? The absolute audacity.
You can read the rest on the website.
Black males would often be falsely accused of assaulting white women.. and then they were tortured and killed.
My personal note; this is why the sentiment of ‘guilty until proven innocent’ frightens many. Of course, we want to believe those who claimed to have been hurt. However, falsehoods do happen and so we just can’t completely believe everyone.-
Being part of the Black community, a group historically affected by falsehoods, perhaps we’re particularly aware of the severity of falsehoods. So, seeing people-particular people too- try to undermine it‘s existence & support such sentiment is scary.
Very reminiscent of history & their ancestors.
What did they do with the body parts of murdered Black people? Demonic stuff. Let’s read a few things:
claim* (not ‘claimed’).
This thread isn’t finished, I will be adding more to it over time. A lot of the information in this thread, so far, are things that I’ve gotten from ‘Young Pharaoh’. He does a lot of research (of course, I’ve done my own too. And still do).
Did you know: Republican Parties, in the South, were started by Black people. In Texas, 2/3 of the first statewide Republican Chairman were Black. The first 42 Black legislators elected in Texas= Republican. The first 112 Black legislators elected in MS= Republican.
The first 190 Black legislators in S.C. = Rep. The first 41 in GA, the first 127 in LA.

Black people were gaining political standing, political power in the 19th Century. However, Democrats took notice of this.. and so formed the KKK in 1866.
The main purpose was to stop Republicans.. stop Black people and restore Democratic control. To bully and kill them out of any power.

Black people were all Republicans at that time, so they could attack any Black people.
But they had to be cautious with white people because some could be Dem. So, the KKK starts attacking Rep. conventions.
For example; New Orleans. In the Republican Convention in LA, The Klan joined with N.O. Police, the N.O. Mayor, Democrats and attacked. 40 Black people died, 20 white people died and 150 others were injured.
1868= A card in S.C. was put out, by the KKK- radical members of the S.C legislative’- with the names of 63 legislators to be wiped out. 50 were Black, 13 White. All Rep. Congress had hearings in 1872 about the Klan, where Dem. leaders admitted to the group belonging to them.
Black business owners, bullied/hurt/killed out of that. Black politicians, bullied/hurt/killed out of that.
..By the Democratic Party. And it’s interesting how now, the majority of Black Americans vote for the Democrats- in unparalleled numbers.
It’s quite sinister.. to say the least.
Politics is a divisive topic. So I don’t know how people are going to react to this information/part of the thread. However, it’s the truth. The truth that many aren’t aware of. To ignore it, to deny it, to twist the truth would be perpetuating injustice- and I refuse to do that.
To clarify, the ‘switching of the parties’ narrative, that people like to bring up often, has been debunked. In fact, that’s what I was partly referring to when I said ‘to twist the truth would be to perpetuate injustice’. So let’s not play games around here.
Let’s not act like we’ve been possessed by the ghosts of oppressors’ past and try to revise history.
It’s also relevant to know that it wasn’t just white Europeans, white Americans who were doing bad things. For instance; the Arab Slave Trade. There were non-Black/White Arab people (because it isn’t a race) who enslaved Black people.
I wrote ‘enslaved’, which is past tense. However, there are many Black people who are enslaved there today. And I’m sure in other places too.. but it’s more underground.
I’ve heard that they taught the Europeans what they knew about slavery, & the Moors helped with the navigation to the ‘New World’.

They raped so many Black women that I believe they had 250,000 offspring.. who they then used to oppress Black people.. their own people.
Some more facts that aren’t commonly known: the Indigenous people to the Americas were, and are, Black. It’s documented. In the artwork, in written accounts, pictures, etc. I think hence ‘indi’ in ‘indigenous’. Indi= Blue/Black. Genous= Native to the land.
When people talk about this, there are many who get irritated by it- thinking it’s just some nonsense. However, research proves otherwise.
The ancestors of those who are referred to as ‘Native’ came from Asia, and there may be mixing with other areas within their heritage. Many of those ‘Natives’ also owned Black slaves, if didn’t you know. They also benefitted, and still do to an extent, from Black oppression.
Black oppression.. Black suppression.
Young Pharaoh on Storm Monroe’s show:
I got a lot of information from Young Pharaoh. I recommend you watch his videos/presentations. They’re really interesting and have a lot of facts!

Whilst he says things about religion sometimes, and I’m a Christian, I still listen to what he has to say.
& that the Moors helped* <Correction to a prior tweet.
Make sure to save any information (this thread isn’t finished, not at all. I will be adding more). I’m a bit worried that something could happen to this thread..
You know how Twitter/People can be..
Correction to prior tweet: ‘The Radical Members of the South Carolina Legislature’*.
Correction (capitalisation): ‘Indigenous’*.
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