Two weeks ago the grand master of DNC Convention remote sites @djsigworth called me when Wilmington, DE suddenly became a *really big* remote site and asked if I could employ some of my (otherwise unmarketable) skills in big ass flag hanging.

And we ended up like this. 1/
And I'm so happy everything worked out because Joe Biden has consistently put the safety of his staff, the public and himself first when it comes to CV19, so a lot of normal big campaign moments have been muted.

But Joe Biden earned THIS moment. He *deserves* this moment. 2/
Because he is a good and decent and empathetic leader at a time this country has never needed one more.

And he went out there and crushed that speech. 3/
The full time @DemConvention team that's been working on this smashing success for months and months deserve so much credit for what they put together.

The coast to coast roll call. The inclusive, snappy, speeches from all corners of our big tent party. It all worked! 4/
And what especially worked: the fireworks and drive-in ideas for the last night that were dreamed up in MKE and given to us in DE to figure out.

If we are being honest, I knew the fireworks would be a hit (duh everyone ❤️'s 🎆), but had some doubts about the cars... 5/
Here's what our first draft looked like, and is pretty much where we ended up... 6/
and here's how it looked just before we opened the gates (after adding about 6,000 square feet of flags to cover all the TV angles 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸) 7/
Sometimes there are drawbacks to the big ass flags... 8/ blocking your room's own view.

(but I highly recommend living at your site. I did not leave a 200 yard radius of this room for eight days straight) 9/
All the stuff inside the building was incredible, both speeches were tremendously presented - the team at Kirshner Events are actual television wizards and I learned a lot -- especially how something that's kinda weird in person can be turned into an amazing broadcast 10/
And the exclamation point outside to the strong speech inside worked out better than even our reasonably high expectations 11/
Here's what the first two mins of the broadcast feed looked like -- with no talking heads over it.

Peep the firework launch cued directly to the start of Coldplay's "Sky Full of Stars" (someone else's idea...wish I could take credit) 12/
And the final two minutes of the broadcast feed.

A little over 1,000 separate fireworks launched in the last 60 seconds alone. /13

Brian Williams: "they have gone and figured out fireworks over a parking lot in Wilmington, DE, an outdoor stage, and a drive up celebration, with people at a distance, in their cars, honking their horns...and I gotta tell ya, this works"

Jamal Simmons: "I gotta tell you, this is really great theater they've put together. They've found a way to get a crowd together that's socially distanced, but with the camera shots looks like everyone's sort of packed in, but they're not. Everybody's really excited"

Dana Bash: "moving outside, in this incredibly different moment of celebration, they're outside basically with the do it in the safest way they could possibly make that happen. This is just the cap to an incredibly different night"
and finally, FOX NEWS (!)

Karl Rove: "well I thought it was an excellent end."
Why did this all work so well?

Because everyone involved -- the folks at the DNCC working their ass off in Milwaukee to make all the remotes work, the Biden for President team, the advance folks pitching in to staff each remote, EVERYONE was doing it for the right reasons. /18
That won't be the same case with the carnival of division, fear and lies we'll see on display in Charlotte and DC next week.

I am honestly curious to see the comparison between the two. I do not have high expectations for the other side. /19
Imma live tweet the bejeezus out of the RNC so prepare to unfollow if you don’t want to hear about Don Jr’s flags and lectern /20
And finally, I took some of these photos, some are stolen off twitter, and all the best ones are by the Biden for President photog, Adam Schultz @schultzinit

I did give him access to the roof to take this shot though, so I take 20% credit. /21
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