SORRY I did not mean for this to be so long!

Baby Girl is obsessed with Frozen and so we're watching the first one for the 8th time this week. I actually don't hate these movies for several reasons: the act of true love is not the favor of an arbitrary, trophy male; the idea
attempting to confirm can be damaging, while also illustrating that "being true to yourself" is not a virtue in itself when practiced selfishly; the value of family, (by blood and by choice); &tc. But one of the things I love most about this movie is how it turns the Disney
formula of "true love"on its head. It kills me to see Anna's sweet, trusting face as the smarmy prince manipulates her desire to be seen and loved. And I love that this desire isn't treated as pathetic. It isn't. Wanting to be seen is not something to be ashamed of. People who
exploit it are pathetic. People who use that to use people are pathetic. Showing girls that there are indeed bad people who will disregard their hearts is essential, but the movie goes further, and gives us Kristof, who is strong and kind and completely male, who wants to protect
but not subvert Anna. He gives her space, which is what people need to grow.

This is entirely too long, so I won't even get started on Frozen 2, which I have seen too many times as well, and also makes me cry.
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