Here in the UK we have a Conservative majority but the intellectual cupboard is bare - we have a few garbled thoughts on big data fused with poorly understood Hayek, and well that’s about it. We are intellectually rudderless which is why we keep crashing into rocks
The virtue of Johnson was that he had debunked the old agenda for his new electorate but where are the ideas and what is the ideology to serve them? What and where are the transformative policies to deliver for the British working class?
What is the new anti-poverty agenda of the right? What exactly will we do at scale to level up? Centralising the dysfunctional parts of a dysfunctional central state will only make matters worse.
The British people will follow a clear set of ideas through any difficulty, British Conservatism has rightly junked the old failed liberal approach but where and what is the new agenda? Muddling through won’t cut it.
What the Johnson Government most lacks is a clear holistic and penetrating intellectual vision that grasps the problems that this country faces - and other than promoting friends and penalising enemies and talking about Tech what is it?
We have squeezed the intellectual life out of the Parliamentary Party, and we are now paying the price - a dynamic intellectual debate about what sort of Conservatism we now require and what policies should flow from it is sorely needed
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