Rs don't want to hear this because they don't want to admit they're racist.

Some on the left don't want to admit it because they are invested in the argument that Ds and Rs aren't any different.
you don't really need to be a genius here; Bush oversaw the great recession; Trump created a massive economic collapse.
you can also point out that Democrats have done way to little to shore up the safety net and help poor people, allowing GOP a lot of leeway to crush the disadvantaged when they get into office.
but Black people aren't deceived or foolish when they vote D. They do much better under D administrations.
it's also just a weird time to insist there is no difference when Trump just deliberately neglected to deal with a pandemic that has killed 175-300k in large part because he believed it would only hurt Dem cities, ie Black people.
like, "Ds are better for the country than Rs" has never been less controversial, even if you think Ds are very bad (they often are!)
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