We love the Society for Evidenced-Based Medicine. Real medics, real evidence, real info, no waffle or lies.

61-98% of 'gender-dysphoric' kids reidentify with their birth sex after talking therapy and support.
There is as yet no equivalent study of what happens without medical intervention to the current cohort of adolescent-onset gender dysphoric teenagers. So no evidence that they will or won't sort themselves out like most kids do.
In the past, medical interventions were preceded by a long engagement with the patient, inc ongoing psychological assessment. Now we have shifted to a more automatic "affirmation" of the individual's view of themselves as transgender.
The Affirmation Pathway consists of~:
Puberty blockers (GnRHas)
Lifelong cross-sex-hormones
Mastectomy or breast implants
Removal of ovaries or testes
Surgical removal and revision of sex organs
These can lead to :
Irreversible physical changes
Medical complications/ drug side effects
Surgical complications
Arrest of a normal developmental process (puberty)
Multiple studies have found associations with:
Bone/skeletal impairments
Cardiovascular complications
Premature death
High rates of post-surgery suicide
This pathway is based on a single Dutch study of
55 subjects of which only 40 completed.
100% of them had child-onset gender dysphoria, NONE had adolescent-onset gender dysphoria cases)
So why are we generalising the results of this tiny study to older children?
The follow-up was only ONE year later at an average age of under 21. So this was NOT any kind of long-term study.
There was NO control group and NO evaluation of the physical health effects of the treatment.
One adolescent DIED as a result of post-operative complications.
Several stopped treatment due to new health issues arising after they took the hormones
While taking puberty blockers, 'gender dysphoria' and body image problems stayed the same or got WORSE , especially among adolescent females.
Incredibly, this is THE study the widely-applied Affirmation Pathway relies on for its evidence. From a layman's viewpoing, it DIDN'T WORK and we SHOULDN'T do this to young people without MUCH better evidence. Which doesn't exist.
We OBJECT and if you have children, teenagers or young people you care about, so should you.
This crazy harmful treatment is being pushed in schools, Home Education groups, Girl Guides, workplaces, colleges, universities, sports clubs, online courses and political parties.
The attention spike is huge and the support from your glitter family is great till you realise it's not working for you. Then you need the Detransitioners Advocacy Network @DetransAdv.
But no one can give you back your puberty, normal adult genitalia, your full sexual pleasure, your breasts or your fertility.
A lot of professionals and drug companies will have made a mint of money out of you and maybe that is all they care about. If you detransition they will profit all over again as you try to undo what you have done.
If you think it won't affect you, I hope you are right. My kid thought she was trans but no longer does and fortunately did not alter her body in any way. I wish you the same good fortune if it happens to a child or young person you love.
There have been increases of THOUSANDS of percent in children and young people coming forward for treatment, especially autistic kids and especially girls. We think it's linked to over-sexualisation at a young age. Like in porn culture.
We have been here before with drastic harmful treatments for people who don't conform to social norms. Think hysteria - no longer diagnosed. Think lobotomy.
The doctor who pioneered lobotomy got a Nobel Prize for it but eventually people realised that it was leaving people shadows of their former selves and it was discontinued. https://objectnow.org/3365-2/ 
She told staff NOT to take their concerns to the appointed Safeguarding Lead - although this is exactly what the job was created for.
@OwenJones84 says we are on the wrong side of history. Hmm. Put your money where your mouth is, Owen bach?
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